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Kasich or Strickland


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OK, this is my first year living back in Ohio and I'm admittedly ignorant of Ohio politics. I'm nominally liberal but I've voted for Republicans before, and I'm not a strict party-liner.


I just read up on Kasich and he seemed all right. I appreciate his budget efforts in the House during the Clinton Administration, but I feel that Strickland has a good point that he had it pretty easy since the country was doing pretty well. Meanwhile, Strickland's managed to keep the Ohio budget balanced for the last 4 years while struggling through this recession and not raising taxes.


Apparently he had to suspend a planned tax cut, and the tax cuts he takes credit for were actually gifts from the previous administration, but still, keeping the budget balanced is no small feat. It also looks like he's really done good things for bringing businesses to Ohio. All told, I'm not seeing any reason to be upset. Anyone want to convince me otherwise?


Just read the Dispatch's rather lukewarm endorsement of Kasich. It raises some good points, but isn't a slam dunk. Link and conclusion from the endorsement:




Some of Kasich's ideas raise concerns, particularly his declaration that he will not raise taxes and that he would do away with the income tax. Balancing Ohio's budget without additional revenue is a tall order. But his goal in making these declarations is to show that he wants to make the state an attractive place for development and economic growth. Nevertheless, the Ohio Constitution requires a balanced budget, and arithmetic is inflexible.


To give him his due, Strickland assumed office at one of the worst moments in the history of Ohio. But with hard times likely to persist, his performance does not inspire confidence. A change in leadership is required. Ohio voters should elect John Kasich as their next governor.

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Tell me about it. These attack ads on both sides have been really uninspiring. The annoying "lost jobs" counter on Kasich's website is almost laughable, and this Lehman Bros angle is just stupid. I'm trying to cut through the bullshit and I haven't managed yet.


Another Dispatch link, this one not painting Kasich in the best light re: being straight with the facts:



Edited by greg
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strickland, I saw kasich at the pumpkin festival and he just looks like a short bus rider. that is my only reason. I don't care about politics at all.


He works out at Metro all the time with Jimmy, you should see him in the gym lol still a class act.

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i think we're fucked on either one. For me personally im going to lose no matter who gets it. Strckland cant balance a state budget for shit. We lost our cost of living raises, our step increases and took a paycut on top of that because of that. Next contract we're looking at another pay cut as well as raises and such frozen another 3 years. Kasich wants to privatize the prisons as well as other state run depts, so I will lose there. Even if I can keep my job, It will be an even bigger pay cut. I think kasich is a better choice for getting our state budget balanced but how he intends to do that AND lower taxes is beyond me. The work force can only take so many hits to their wallets before more people cant afford to pay their bills, adding to our current economic status and/or unemployment rates (due to job cuts).
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i think we're fucked on either one. For me personally im going to lose no matter who gets it. Strckland cant balance a state budget for shit. We lost our cost of living raises, our step increases and took a paycut on top of that because of that. Next contract we're looking at another pay cut as well as raises and such frozen another 3 years. Kasich wants to privatize the prisons as well as other state run depts, so I will lose there. Even if I can keep my job, It will be an even bigger pay cut. I think kasich is a better choice for getting our state budget balanced but how he intends to do that AND lower taxes is beyond me. The work force can only take so many hits to their wallets before more people cant afford to pay their bills, adding to our current economic status and/or unemployment rates (due to job cuts).


My wife works for the state so that SOB Strickland got in our pocket book too.

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i think we're fucked on either one. For me personally im going to lose no matter who gets it. Strckland cant balance a state budget for shit. We lost our cost of living raises, our step increases and took a paycut on top of that because of that. Next contract we're looking at another pay cut as well as raises and such frozen another 3 years. Kasich wants to privatize the prisons as well as other state run depts, so I will lose there. Even if I can keep my job, It will be an even bigger pay cut. I think kasich is a better choice for getting our state budget balanced but how he intends to do that AND lower taxes is beyond me. The work force can only take so many hits to their wallets before more people cant afford to pay their bills, adding to our current economic status and/or unemployment rates (due to job cuts).


My mom's in the same boat as you. She works for the Dept. of Health, and is taking the same hits you guys (prison system) are. I'm not sure how I'm going to vote just yet. I'm in agreement with everyone else though, all politicians are shit. I think I'll go with Copperhead and vote Libertarian.

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My wife works for the state so that SOB Strickland got in our pocket book too.


Just hearsay, but I'm told Kasich is wanting to take even more away from state employees than Strickland has. I have no evidence either way, that's just what I've heard.

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Just hearsay, but I'm told Kasich is wanting to take even more away from state employees than Strickland has. I have no evidence either way, that's just what I've heard.


thats the only way he can balance the budget AND cut taxes. It's just a matter of how we are goin to take cuts. Are we just goin to get fucked up the ass again on the next contract or is it going to be him privatizing and if you want a job you have to accept what the private company offers you (which will be pennies on the dollar)

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