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Wifey's on bedrest


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That's what I'm talking about. She already called me about dinner though so this might backfire on me.

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my wife was on and off bedrest with our twins for the last 10 weeks--even had to be admitted a couple times. if she can even make it one more week, it will give the baby's lungs that much more time to develop (the most important thing at 34 weeks). good luck, and congrats
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Is this your first child ?


Are you going into the birth with her ?


I did it three times, it was real interesting.


Good luck


Nope this is #5 for us. I would not miss the birth for the world. This is our last one so there is no way I will miss it. I was there for the other ones as well.

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So the wife is 34 weeks pregnant and had to take a trip to the hospital today. She is dialated 3cm and 60% effaced. The Dr. put her on bed rest. Hopefully the little guy holds off for at least 3 more weeks.



Your good anything after 32 weeks and you're golden. My was put on bedrest at 20 weeks. At 22 weeks shit hit the fan and the boys started to come. They were able to stop them but she spent the 2 months on bed rest at OSU. They were at the 32 week mark and were strong as hell. Little but strong, and by little they were about 2 and half pounds each.







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Your good anything after 32 weeks and you're golden. My was put on bedrest at 20 weeks. At 22 weeks shit hit the fan and the boys started to come. They were able to stop them but she spent the 2 months on bed rest at OSU. They were at the 32 week mark and were strong as hell. Little but strong, and by little they were about 2 and half pounds each.








Wow that's awesome. They estimated our little guys weight at around 6 lbs so he should be golden. Just playing it safe. His lung development is what scares me. I heard that some kids that come early are prone to asthma and lung infections and such when they get older.

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Wow that's awesome. They estimated our little guys weight at around 6 lbs so he should be golden. Just playing it safe. His lung development is what scares me. I heard that some kids that come early are prone to asthma and lung infections and such when they get older.


don't worry about it. if there's any serious concern for premature labor, they will give her steroids to accelerate the baby's lung development. even at 34 weeks with no steroids, there would likely be absolutely no problem

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