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so is time travel possible?


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I love how he postulates that it couldn't "possibly be a radio cause its 1928 ...", I really hope this is a (stupid) joke.




Though to answer your question, is time travel possible ? Do we count Time Dilation ?


Edit: Also we know for a fact from the terminator movies that when time traveling into the past you can only bring organic matter. Unless of course you're a non-organic giant murderbot, that is encased in living tissue. Which does sort of beg the question as to why John Future Connor didn't just ram future-guns into some animal, or other fleshy pocket and send those back too. Though why didnt skynet just send another terminator back to the day before the first one got there and just kept trying over and over, since time wasn't an issue. Also why didn't ... awww fuck time travel.

Edited by sol740
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I'd like to ask who the FUCK you would be talking to on a cell phone in 1928? Sputnik didn't go up till 1957, so I'd venture to guess that there certainly weren't any cell phone satellites orbiting the earth back then. Proooobably no towers either. So how exactly would this magical cellphone toting tranny get her iPhone to work back in 1928? Riddle me this Batman.
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I'd like to ask who the FUCK you would be talking to on a cell phone in 1928? Sputnik didn't go up till 1957, so I'd venture to guess that there certainly weren't any cell phone satellites orbiting the earth back then. Proooobably no towers either. So how exactly would this magical cellphone toting tranny get her iPhone to work back in 1928? Riddle me this Batman.



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if that's a man or woman they have HUGE feet, possible alien life form?

BUT seriously, If I had to make an educated guess, I'd say when trying to convert this movie to DVD format the original film was damaged and it was a re-shoot to make it look original and that jackass wasn't paying attention to what he was doing at the time of filming

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I'd like to ask who the FUCK you would be talking to on a cell phone in 1928? Sputnik didn't go up till 1957, so I'd venture to guess that there certainly weren't any cell phone satellites orbiting the earth back then. Proooobably no towers either. So how exactly would this magical cellphone toting tranny get her iPhone to work back in 1928? Riddle me this Batman.



Obviously its future tech that doesn't require a tower, she is talking to people from the future (her own time).

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didnt the guy say he was a film maker? what if kinda like mentioned above, he reshot this then claimed it was on the DVD just to gain some fame? obviously a lot of people are looking at it


*now*...if i go buy the DVD and this is on it, i would probably have to wonder WTF is going on.

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