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Wake On Lan ?????


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I would like to have the ability to turn on a remote computer in my house thats on the same network.


How does Wake on Lan really work? How do you set it up? Do I need a program?


I plan on building a new computer soon and want to do Wake on Lan, basically the new computer will just be for back up of pics, music and videos so I can access it as needed and not be on 24/7.


Has anyone on here done this before? Also for shut down, do I just use remote assistance or something else?



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To do WOL, you need a network card that is capable of it, and a motherboard BIOS that is also able to accept that event. You'll need to get a separate program on the remote computer to send a "magic packet" to the computer that's turned off. To turn the other one off, your best bet is probably just to use the power management built into whatever OS you have to send it into either standby/sleep/off mode (as appropriate) after n minutes of inactivity. Keep in mind that since you're never going to be using the keyboard/mouse, that inactivity timer will always be running.
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Figure out if your motherboard supports WOL if it has internal network card. If you are using an expansion NIC that supports WOL I think you need to hook up a wire to the mobo if I remember correctly.


WOL works with any application on any platform. :)

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I'm wondering why I haven't set this up for my HTPC for when I want to move files to it...


Because while it sounds like a great idea, the novelty wears off quickly since you generally have to manually turn the thing off anyways (or deal with it shutting down due to inactivity at inopportune moments).

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