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How Marines address a proper President.

Uncle Punk

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I agree with the UN sentiments. They served their purpose at one point, but now I struggle to find an organization less impotent that they are.

I've got nothing but love for Marines. My dad was a Marine...and I spent a few years in the Army. Anyone willing to put the uniform on gets my hat (beanie) tipped to them.

I guess I don't play the liberal/conservative/Army/Marine game.

So, enough of the sappy shit. Where's the next Anti-Obama thread? We're behind schedule.

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Yes, everyone has a different opinion that’s why I said 90% would share this sentiment. You always have your 10% that are shitbirds.

For others (Non Marines) who are reading this I am not calling you shitbirds for not agreeing with this sentiment, I do understand that we are a divided nation by about 50% to 50% and not half of us are shitbirds because of our political beliefs. Most of us are assholes for entirely different reasons. Everyone is an asshole to some one, crack heads think the religious are and the religious think crack heads are, etc, etc.

So I guess I am confused. I wore the EGA for 7 years, and supported Obama. Am I a 10%er, or one of the 50% not a shitbird for my political beliefs? (Though I freely admit me being an asshole for entirely different reasons. Not enough bandwidth to list all the reasons in here.)

I was one who spent the majority of my time in under Clinton, and remember Congress going back to him and pulling Slick Willie's teeth to give us a measly 2% raise, while watching him close down good bases like they were condemned public housing. He was a bastard to work for, yet I'd have still taken a bullet for him because of the title he held.

And for all our non-Marine types out there, keep the jokes coming. We all understand the deal. As the smallest collective of the services, we often did the most with the least, being the first to fight with some of the others hand-me-downs. But know this. When it came time for you to find a date for your respective birthday ball, your date...well, she was one of our hand-me-downs. Just returning the favor.;)

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When it came time for you to find a date for your respective birthday ball, your date...well, she was one of our hand-me-downs. Just returning the favor.;)

I always found it disturbing how hot the special kid in our school thought his girlfriend was.

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And for all our non-Marine types out there, keep the jokes coming. We all understand the deal. As the smallest collective of the services, we often did the most with the least, being the first to fight with some of the others hand-me-downs.

Quoted for truth.

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My intension was not for this to be about liberal/ conservative, Army/Marines but I guess I was sucked into it. There was no game going on here and if you didn’t understand where I was going with this here is my best attempt to address what and why I have stated some of the things that I have. I never stated anything negative about the Army that should have turned this into an Army/ Marine debate, just that I found their makeup to be different, not necessarily inferior. Let’s not get our panties in a twist with the whole liberal/ conservative shit no one assaulted you, quit trolling for a reaction and you won’t get one. You should be in this discussion as you have prior military experience but don’t make it out to be something its not.

The military ET all is not a snapshot of our society as a whole. Now let me back that up with what I know instead of what I wish it to be. I do not know the makeup or the dynamics of how things are today so I can only speak from my experience from many, many years ago. When I was active there were WMs that out ranked me but none were ever my direct superior, I would doubt that is the case today for better or worse times change. The overall makeup was very conservative, it could be different now but I can tell you this, RVTPilot you would have definitely been in the minority when I was active. Sorry you took offense to the whole 90%/10% thing but “you’ve always got your 10%” was a common mantra when I was in, too bad you didn’t get my meaning.

This to me is about our president respecting our military, not holding it in contempt. It’s about our president understanding the value of our military to this country. Maybe it’s self-serving to expect these things from the president but it sure helps moral and our respect towards the man. However, these things are never required for our respect of the office he holds, which always demands respect.

Fuck the U.N.

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As the smallest collective of the services, we often did the most with the least, being the first to fight with some of the others hand-me-downs. But know this. When it came time for you to find a date for your respective birthday ball, your date...well, she was one of our hand-me-downs. Just returning the favor.;)


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And for all our non-Marine types out there, keep the jokes coming. We all understand the deal. As the smallest collective of the services, we often did the most with the least, being the first to fight with some of the others hand-me-downs. But know this. When it came time for you to find a date for your respective birthday ball, your date...well, she was one of our hand-me-downs. Just returning the favor.;)

That's for damn sure! The one thing that no one should forget is that the military is to defend the Constitution, not necessarily the president. I believe that we (Marines) have the balls to do what others won't and make those hard decisions. Not to mention we can do it with shit on a stick for weapons after two weeks without sleep and no food. Semper Fi!!!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

President Obama's surprise visit to see the troops in Iraq

President Obama made a surprise visit to Iraq to see the troops and tell them Iraq must stand up for itself.

Cheered wildly by U.S. troops, President Barack Obama flew unannounced into Iraq on Tuesday and promptly declared
it is time for Iraqis "take responsibility for their country" after America's commitment of six years and thousands of lives
. "
You have given Iraq the opportunity to stand on its own as a democratic country
," the president said as he made a brief inspection of a war he opposed as candidate and now vows to end as commander in chief. "That is an extraordinary achievement."

I'm sure the troops were glad to see a president that has the confidence of the American people and one who is looked on with great respect. They know he wants to get them out of the meat grinder and back to their families. The right wingnutosphere is very agitated that the troops responded so well to their new commander in chief. It's his duty to be there front and center to wind down the greatest folly George Bush perpetrated on the world.

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I remember fighting the war on Terrorism under Bush, and was proud to. He was a President who was forced into challenges beyond his control, yet he delt with them in a calm professional manner. Now, I will not bash Obamma or Bush, because both have their faults; however Obamma said he will bring change, so BRING IT SUCKA!

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Ohhhh... THat's funny... Not the least bit surprising, but funny that someone put it together! I was in with Clinton's boys, would have rather served Ronnie or Bush Sr.... Wasn't really in for the pres anyway so much as for what is left of my beautiful semi-capitalist, almost-free country. Fucking commies taking us apart one polititian at a time....

Dubya is kind of a moron and a douchebag, but still the lesser of several evils... I voted for him, but washed my hands till they bled afterwards. Certainly would applaud him harder than any pansy ass liberal though.

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