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I feel bad for Michigan's field goal kicker. For your team to have so little faith in you that they go for it on a 3x yard field goal with 8 yards to go. I'd want to kill myself


It is truly embarrassing for them. You are a fucking big ten school and you cannot get a kicker worth a shit?

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Boise lost?! I fell asleep after they were way up! Nice. :) Now, just waiting for TCU to fail.


Nevada came alive in that 2nd half. Didn't help Boise State's kicker shank'd a last second field goal to win it, the game goes into overtime and the guy shank'd another field goal for the win. Nevada ended up winning with a field goal.


Talking about putting someone one suicide watch for a couple days..... I felt so bad for the guy when he did it the second time.

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Nevada came alive in that 2nd half. Didn't help Boise State's kicker shank'd a last second field goal to win it, the game goes into overtime and the guy shank'd another field goal for the win. Nevada ended up winning with a field goal.


Talking about putting someone one suicide watch for a couple days..... I felt so bad for the guy when he did it the second time.


He's probably out on a feild some where kicking feild goal.


Oh yeah, 38-7, may be not. The 98 yard run got call back. 34-7 instead.

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Unsportsman like conduct on Ohio for putting an O together with their hands? Seriously WTF?


Haha, whatever it take to slow them down right? They were rolling in the second quarter. If they can play like that all game it would be very hard to stop them.


Well, the season is in the bag, just sit and wait now.

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Doubt it, until he doesn't make progress, he will remain head coach, who is available to replace him?


Possibly Harbaugh. Played at Michigan and has made Stanford into a top 10 program. If they can get Harbaugh they'll drop Rodriguez in a heartbeat. If they can't I'm not sure who they'd go after if they got rid of him.


Now, just waiting for TCU to fail.


Yeah, that's not happening. They're playing their final game of the season against a 1-10 team right now...lol.

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99 yard run taken away by back officiating...


Maybe I don't know football rules as much as what I think I do, but I thought that was one of - if not the - worst holding calls I have ever seen.


Also, the unsportsmanlike personal fouls calls against OSU after the touchdowns were ticky-tack, at best. Sure, I realize that there's the "letter of the law," but still you'd think the refs would be more inclined to allow some stuff go a bit - like celebration-type stuff - in games like this, wherein its a rivalry where emotions run especially high. *shrug*


Lastly, glad to see Ohio State only won 38 to 7 - I didn't want the score to get way out of hand, as that would make it more likely that Michigan will can Rich Rod. I for one don't want Rich Rod going anywhere: he is to Michigan in the The Game what Cooper was to Ohio State.

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Maybe I don't know football rules as much as what I think I do, but I thought that was one of - if not the - worst holding calls I have ever seen.


Also, the unsportsmanlike personal fouls calls against OSU after the touchdowns were ticky-tack, at best. Sure, I realize that there's the "letter of the law," but still you'd think the refs would be more inclined to allow some stuff go a bit - like celebration-type stuff - in games like this, wherein its a rivalry where emotions run especially high. *shrug*


Lastly, glad to see Ohio State only won 38 to 7 - I didn't want the score to get way out of hand, as that would make it more likely that Michigan will can Rich Rod. I for one don't want Rich Rod going anywhere: he is to Michigan in the The Game what Cooper was to Ohio State.


As a ref in a game that is already out of reach if its questionable you let the kid have his td... he earned it. They were just flag happy and half blind. The interception, fumbles, ect... the refs were bad.

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