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The refs missed the dropped interception too, what I can't understand is I thought every play was reviewed in the NCAA so why wasn't that play reviewed or stopped?

Didn't matter - watch the replays, there wasn't enough there to overturn the call.


The refs were fucking awful this game.

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One of my 137 photos from the field today.




First, that's awesome.


Second, post more!


Third, we can all clearly see the atrocious hold being committed on that play....dots

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Didn't matter - watch the replays, there wasn't enough there to overturn the call.


The refs were fucking awful this game.


The hell there wasn't, the replay I saw you clearly see the ball touch the ground (Trapping it) and he never came up with the ball, he never had control and tries to gather it up at the end but it falls on the ground again and he celebrates like he caught it. I'm an expert on "the process" of making a catch, I'm a Lion's fan and watched the Bear game this year. The rule is the same in college as it is in the NFL. You have to maintain possession through the catch.

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The refs missed the dropped interception too, what I can't understand is I thought every play was reviewed in the NCAA so why wasn't that play reviewed or stopped?


What play specifically are you talking about? Who dropped the interception - tOSU or Michigan?


Just trying to key in on what play you're talking about.

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The hell there wasn't, the replay I saw you clearly see the ball touch the ground (Trapping it) and he never came up with the ball, he never had control and tries to gather it up at the end but it falls on the ground again and he celebrates like he caught it. I'm an expert on "the process" of making a catch, I'm a Lion's fan and watched the Bear game this year. The rule is the same in college as it is in the NFL. You have to maintain possession through the catch.


Actually he didn't trap it, but he did lose possession as he was rolling over.

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Was kinda cool that the play ended up being taken down to an 89 yard run tying the record for the longest play from scrimmage at OSU set in 1942... the team which we were honoring today. Made it a little less gay.


There was nothing cool about Herron getting jobbed out of a 98 yard TD run.


I know what you're saying, but I'm just sayin'.

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OSU's first interception of Denard. Not that the play was reason Michigan lost, Michigan is poorly coached, poorly recruited, and very injured and very young. Denard is soft, he gets hurt every game and misses time, Forcier thinks he is Brett Favre (another shitty QB). Both Shaw and Smith couldn't even Start for IU. Not to mention a complete lack of defense except for Mouton and Kovacs. Michigan is just a sorry team that got bowl eligible by mistake, the Illinois Game was lucky and if Purdue didn't just lay an egg, I mean how do you lose when you are +6 takeaways for the Game? Everyone else including Penn St. Kicked their ass and IU is a joke. (Michigan barely beat them too)


And he did trap the ball, the replay showed it, it went through his hands down to his junk where the nose touches the ground, then he rolls over and still can't gain control. The refs missed holding calls all day, called holding when there wasn't any holding, Called unsportsmanlike conduct penalties when nobody cared (even Michigan), I swear there was a whole show today from the refs during the game.


Did you all see the end of the Ark/LSU game where the ref called an injury time out with 1:40 left on the clock after a 3rd down failed play. One of the Ark players stayed down for a couple of seconds after the others got up, he ends up getting up just as the ref blows the whistle and the player runs off the field. I thought the Ark coach was gonna hit the ref. LOL you could read his lips: Are you shitting me? Are you fucking kidding me? That is complete bullshit!

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The funniest part of the game was the first two possessions of OSU that Michigan stopped. The were the most vanilla conservative plays in Jim's play book. The announcers are like oh look Michigan came to play, looks like this is gonna be a game. What the fuck ever. If you watched just one Michigan game against a Big Ten opponent this year, you knew what was going on and recognized it. Not once did Jim attack the secondary, all check downs, he knew he could exploit the secondary all day like everyone else.
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Of all the OSU vs Michigan Games I have watched, and there are likely people that have watched more on here, I have watched 20+ games, if you win by 20 in that game it's an ass whooping. 30 is embarrassing. Michigan fucking sucks, and make no bones about it I wanted Michigan to win bad. I've been married to an OSU grad for almost 10 years, it's been a long ten years on the rivalry game Saturday. I watch with her and her Dad who has a Masters and PHD from OSU. Before I met my wife Michigan owned OSU. Did I break a mirror or something? WTF Edited by Benjamin
Guess it is the last game in 11 and 12.
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Did you all see the end of the Ark/LSU game where the ref called an injury time out with 1:40 left on the clock after a 3rd down failed play. One of the Ark players stayed down for a couple of seconds after the others got up, he ends up getting up just as the ref blows the whistle and the player runs off the field. I thought the Ark coach was gonna hit the ref. LOL you could read his lips: Are you shitting me? Are you fucking kidding me? That is complete bullshit!


Yup, saw that. Petrino (Arkansas coach) has a reputation for being a jerk, too. Not to say he didn't have a legitimate beef with the ref. However, if I'm that ref, I say something of the effect of, "Listen, if you don't want us stopping the clock, then tell your players to get their asses up off the turf if they ain't hurt."


Of all the OSU vs Michigan Games I have watched, and there are likely people that have watched more on here, I have watched 20+ games, if you win by 20 in that game it's an ass whooping. 30 is embarrassing. Michigan fucking sucks, and make no bones about it I wanted Michigan to win bad. I've been married to an OSU grad for almost 10 years, it's been a long ten years on the rivalry game Saturday. I watch with her and her Dad who has a Masters and PHD from OSU. Before I met my wife Michigan owned OSU. Did I break a mirror or something? WTF


No broken mirror, rather Ohio State got rid of Cooper and got Tressel. I lived through the misery of what was the Cooper era, so I know all too well the heartbreak that was tOSU losing over and over and over and over and OVER to Michigan. Yes, Michigan absolutely owned tOSU, and that sucked for tOSU fans. Some of the most talented teams ever assembled at tOSU were manhandled by clearly inferior Michigan teams (inferior on paper, that is) during the Cooper era. It was embarrassing.

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The celebratory dive call was ridiculous. Two players were coming and he dove between them into the end zone to avoid getting scissored.. Dumb.


Yeah, as it's been stated, the flag wasn't for the dive. However, that play is eerily similar to a few years ago when Santonio Holmes was flagged for a dive into the end zone (against Michigan, no less!) when it seemed clear to every once except the ref who threw the flag that he was only diving to avoid being scissored.


BTW, did anyone else think at ABC absolutely sucked at showing us the replays of the celebration penalty stuff? We were all sitting around like, "WTF do we keep getting penalized for?" They never showed us the replays. However, it was vital that they kept showing us shots of Michigan's defensive coordinator. Thanks, ABC.

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However, it was vital that they kept showing us shots of Michigan's defensive coordinator. Thanks, ABC.


The old white haired guy who I, and probably most people, didn't know or give a fuck who he was?


I've heard that next year an excessive celebration call results in the TD being called back? :o If that's true this is the real issue. It seems that all of the sudden excessive celebration is being called quite a bit towards the end of this college football season. I barely knew it existed at the beginning of the season. If that's true about next year I think what's happening is NCAAFB refs trying to hammer this point home before its' a more serious penalty for next year. Trying to set the precedent so people don't bitch as much next year. Not that I think it will make people bitch any less, but I think that's what they are trying to do.


On the flip side if I were a coach and this rule were in place the only thing the player who made the TD would be allowed to do is the prayer thing, then hand the ball to the ref either directly before or after that. Anything else and their asses are mine for the next week. Most other penalties, while the fault of the player, may not be completely preventable or at least not purposeful. If you know that some excessive celebrating, which is a judgment call by the refs, could result in a penalty you just don't do it. It's tantamount to pushing another player after the end of the play. When a play is over, you go back to your line or bench.

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I've heard that next year an excessive celebration call results in the TD being called back? :o If that's true this is the real issue. It seems that all of the sudden excessive celebration is being called quite a bit towards the end of this college football season. I barely knew it existed at the beginning of the season. If that's true about next year I think what's happening is NCAAFB refs trying to hammer this point home before its' a more serious penalty for next year. Trying to set the precedent so people don't bitch as much next year. Not that I think it will make people bitch any less, but I think that's what they are trying to do.


Yeah, starting next year, the referees have the discretion of disallowing a TD if the excessive celebration occurs in conjunction with the TD (e.g., a player that showboats by diving into the endzone as they are running free and clear). IIRC, on such penalties, the TD is disallowed, it's a personal foul penalty, and ball is spotted 15 yards out from where the penalty occurred. THAT is going to be a shit-storm the first time that happens.


BTW, there's a fine line between being emotional and celebrating and being unsportsmanlike in your conduct.

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