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Top Gear American edition


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i don t think that s a bad thing at all


he's still a better host (presenting skills) than Tanner Foust............ Tanner's driving skills are a direct counterpart to his hosting skills....he's just dry and boring....especially when he narrates the hot laps


The worst was how he introduced Stig. The second Episode was better but there is alot that needs to be worked on.

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With out question. They the hell did they have to explain that Stig doesn't talk?


I also think they are trying to draw in people that are NOT Top Gear fans or know of the show.


You have to remember people that are into cars and racing make up such a small portion of the market. If they were smart there would be some tweaks to the show to keep it dumb AND draw in the UK Top Gear fans.


It is like the people who bitched and bitched about Pinks. They got their wish, the show is gone and now will not be replaced. AMERICA FUCK YEAH!!!

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With out question. They the hell did they have to explain that Stig doesn't talk?


To us car guys that are already into the show this seems dumb, but you have to remember they probably have 50% or more viewers that have no idea what Top Gear is or have never seen the show before. Most people don't know that the UK version is on BBC America.

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i'll keep saying what i've been saying all along; don't compare TGUS to Top Gear, compare it to the first season of the 2002 edition of Top Gear. You'll find that the chemistry is about the same; it takes several years and seasons to develop the chemistry May, Hamster, and Jezza have. You can tell they don't have the comfort level to insult each other on a personal level yet, but that'll come
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That argument isn't complete though. Even though the chemistry wasn't there yet, all 3, James, Richard, Jeremy, still knew about and had a great deal of passion for cars, and what they said about their cars was interesting and entertaining still. With the exception of Tanner the other two guys don't have a clue, on the US show, and Tanner doesn't have any presentation charisma either.
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That argument isn't complete though. Even though the chemistry wasn't there yet, all 3, James, Richard, Jeremy, still knew about and had a great deal of passion for cars, and what they said about their cars was interesting and entertaining still.


Not only that but they know how to drive (with the exception of May) and what to expect out of a vehicle. I just didn't get the impression the US hosts have the same field experience.

Edited by acklac7
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