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Had surgery again 2 weeks ago to repair the damage to my foot. Part of the surgery was to remove the hardware they put in during the first surgery but as you can see in the xray, they installed some plates and more screws after taking out the old stuff. The cut on the back of my leg was where they cut my achilles tendon, and the cut on the side of my heal is where they did the bone graph. Right now it is all extremely painful. The scar below the stitches on top of the foot is all bone graph taken from the side of my leg to close up the damage done when my foot split open. Theres another big scarred up area on the other side (not pictured) that is all the tissue damage. I wear the new cast for 4 weeks and then into a walking cast for 4-8 weeks.









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They have estimated 4-8 weeks, but I am shooting for about a week.:)


go for it! my fiance broke his ankle skateboarding and they put a plate in it and such and said that he'd be in a cast for a while with physical therapy for weeks, but i think he was up walking around pretty soon after the surgery...but i think taking care of a toddler helped with that :) he couldn't stay laying on the couch

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go for it! my fiance broke his ankle skateboarding and they put a plate in it and such and said that he'd be in a cast for a while with physical therapy for weeks, but i think he was up walking around pretty soon after the surgery...but i think taking care of a toddler helped with that :) he couldn't stay laying on the couch

I only wish mine was just a break.

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Yep I was told not to hold my daughter with my wrist after my surgery, Dr. Cook would say "Remember no lifting with your right arm or holding anything." and wink while he said it. He knew I was going to hold my daughter and take care of her. It was the only thing I could do....


I did finish all my physical therapy for my wrist and ACL replacement. I am pretty much Normal now, it took about 2 1/2 years. You have to continue to push it even after physical therapy is over. You have to be determined and stay positive. I didn't think I would play disc golf ever again after that accident laying in the hospital, I made a decision to get back and now my rating is almost as high as it was in 2006 (I was a sponsored player) at it's highest before my accident. I am rated higher now than I was in June of 2007. Almost there just a little more and I will be better than I was before I was a dumbass.

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Man my wife has has 2 foot surgeries and hers looked almost just like that. They had to cut her achilles tendon also but her scar was straight up and down on the back of her foot.. Man I remember how much pain she was in so I feel for ya. Good luck with the recovery.
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