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Got a track bike GSX-R750, tons of pics of preperation process


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whoa whoa whoa, now I understand Rueben is a site sponser but I think you are HIGHLY underestimating Matt here. "He has tools" you have got to be freaking kiddin me man. Ducati Indy has only been open for a couple years yes, but Matt has been Ohlins certified for what, TEN PLUS years... Have you ever seen the stacks and stacks of shims and spec cards he has? Not to mention he had all this stuff before Duc indy was even open.

Dude, I have tools, too. Being certified is cool, but being at the track with guys like Fitzpatrick and Stokes and others that are part of the race division sets Reuben a bit apart from others. I understand Matt does a good job, but there's also some people that do even better. Or, have better access to the most current info available... Again, nowhere did I say Matt was bad or anything...

For example, the stuff that Fitzpatrick has is stuff that is in prototype stage and at the WERA and AMA NATIONAL level - not the regional level like Flis and Book does. Not taking away anything from them, but they aren't Robert Jensen, Tray Batey, Opie Caylor, Taylor Knapp, etc...

I know of many people here in ohio who have had Matt do their suspension. NEVER once, not even ONE time has anyone ever said something negative. Its almost always been a shocked response of how much of a difference it made. Matt has done tons of custom work for me and lots of my friends through the ducati club and its always awesome.

Again, never said he sucked or was a bad choice. In this world, you have choices. Some better than others. Simple. I'd suggest someone to Matt for any Duc work for sure and even racing Duc stuff...

You want to talk about racing expeirence? Well Matt has been racing for years and also has been building totally custom suspension for racers for years. Last year his custom setups won 5 chamionships.. 5 CHAMPIONSHIPS! the riders were mike books and mike flis.

That's cool... Rub's been racing for a lot longer, though... As far as championships, I understand sponsoring racers. I also understand the difference between guys like mentioned above and the two guys you mentioned. Again, that's great to support riders and use them as test beds for things.

On a final note, I am NOT bashing Matt whatsoever. Not at all. However, understand that there are good engine builders that work at a lot of shops and there are engine builders that build stuff for people like Yosh. There are those guys that are good engineers and there are those guys that are engineers that are courted by NASA...

It takes all levels and it is never "take it here because the other guy sucks". It's a deal in this case that a guy with a race bike wants to get it sorted. There's two choices. A good one... and a better one... Both will net good results. It's just all that you want out of it.

I also know you and Matt are buddies. Not like Reuben and I are buddies, but probably close. I also understand he supports a lot of Duc guys and that's his specialty. But, try and keep personal feelings from clouding what you are saying. In-line guys? Twin guys? Guys that are "certified" or guys that are also certified, but are at the Nationals minimum 12 plus weekends a year... Also those guys that race at a level that is well beyond what names you mentioned and can take that level and relate it in an effort to solve issues that are common with track riding and especially, racing.

Matt's a fine choice for the OP and certainly a choice you prefer. That's totally cool...

Shock dyno you say? Well thats kinda funny too. Matt was in contact last year with a shock dyno that he is now using. Yep, its the same one. I wonder how Rueben found out about the same shock dyno?

The one Reuben uses is different then... Unless Matt uses the one Reuben found last year... I think you might have it in reverse, but that's not the point. It's good that Matt is using a shock dyno... That's something that SHOULD be used.

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The one Reuben uses is different then... Unless Matt uses the one Reuben found last year... I think you might have it in reverse, but that's not the point. It's good that Matt is using a shock dyno... That's something that SHOULD be used.

Im not going to argue with you, I know the truth. It is the same dyno and Matt starting using it last year when he found it. Rueben happened to be working for Matt at the time and thats why Rueben knows about it and is now using it.

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Im not going to argue with you, I know the truth. It is the same dyno and Matt starting using it last year when he found it. Rueben happened to be working for Matt at the time and thats why Rueben knows about it and is now using it.

Might be the case. As I stated, Reuben met the guy last year...

I know you are a fan of Matt's and I understand why you are so defensive, but look beyond the suspension dyno guy thing... I acknowledged you MIGHT be right and I know you hang around Matt a lot and do things for him for him helping you out in return...

It's all good. Like I stated, there are good guys out there and there are better guys... Nothing wrong with the good guys at all. Not a thing.

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I bought a track bike. I'm just now starting to get into intermediate riding class and thinking about lap times. I am sure either guy would do an adequate job. Honestly. I've known Matt for a year or two now and was turned onto him through the Ducati club. Lot's of the guys I know have sent there stuff to him and been very pleased. Ducati Indy is a race shop and that is why many of us actually take our stuff out there rather than stick to another closer shop. I don't know Reuben at all. It's my understanding that he worked for Matt at one point. If anything speaks volumes I would think that does. I'm not trying to take anything away from anyone here but I'll stick with Matt. I've worked with him in the past, he's honest with me, he's a generally cool guy to hang around and talk to and he takes the time to explain why he is doing what he is doing. He's dyno tuned my monster, set up the suspension and helped me out with several other things with that bike. He has tracked GSXRs and knows that bike well also. Knowing he was ohlins certified and also had the equipment to work on penske stuff I figured I'd send all of my stuff to him. He's also willing to work with me at the track and set stuff up right for my riding style. This kind of commitment to quality is as much as I can really ask. Good and better? That will always be a matter of opinion so there isn't much point in arguing. I think it's clear, yota and I will likely be going to Matt for quite awhile and Lizard will be going to Reuben. Nothing wrong with that. I do appreciate the input either way.

As far as the shock dyno. I sent my stuff to Matt and more or less asked him to make it right as I don't really know the condition of any of the stuff in the suspension. He checked the rear shock with the shock dyno and said the valving was exactly with in the spec he liked to see and put in the correct weight spring. Further we discussed fork springs and got that settled and he fixed my issue with the preload adjustment. This is the sort of thing I like about the place. He actually charged me less than he could have because he checked the stuff out and did only what needed to be done. Not saying Reuben wouldn't do the same thing but when you find a guy that does good work and that you trust then why change.

Not saying I'm as fast as all of you WERA guys or instructors but here's me on the monster after getting the suspension worked out by Matt. This is novice at Mid-OH That thing handled awesome. I got about 60 miles in after work on that bike tonight with my Girlfriend on the back. I love that bike. It's so much fun.



This is my girlfriend Macy in her Alpine Stars hoody (don't worry she has leather for the bike). She likes bike stuff if it's cute. LOL I keep telling her we aught to get a bigger bike to ride 2 up, something V-strom esque but she likes the duc too much and doesn't want to ride on something ugly. Not that I'd get rid of the duc. I just want more bikes.


Anyway..... I'll keep posting updates as things happen. Should get the suspension back soon so I can put the bike back together.

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Might be the case. As I stated, Reuben met the guy last year...

I know you are a fan of Matt's and I understand why you are so defensive, but look beyond the suspension dyno guy thing... I acknowledged you MIGHT be right and I know you hang around Matt a lot and do things for him for him helping you out in return...

It's all good. Like I stated, there are good guys out there and there are better guys... Nothing wrong with the good guys at all. Not a thing.

Yea, it is the case. Just ask Reuben. He can tell ya and prolly already has.

I can say the same thing to you, you and Reuben are obviously really good friends. You have his stickers all over your bike and you are talking about him every chance you get on here. All I am saying is I know the real story behind how the shock dyno usage came to be. If it wasnt for the fact that Reuben was working for Matt, he would of never known about it.

Yea, I hang out with Matt. Yes, I like to promote his shop. But its not cause he does anything for me. Im not getting anything free from Matt by throwing his name out there. I just want people to know that he is one of the best Mechanics ALL AROUND. Not just suspension, but from headlight to the exhaust he knows his shit. Yea, he mostly works on Ducati... Duh, he owns a Ducati dealership. He works on every make tho. If you have ever been yo his shop you will see he has lots of zooks, kaws, honduhs, triumphs, Moto Guzzis, I have seen all makes and models in there. And Im not even there much.

But yes, there will always be good guys and guys that are better. I agree. But I prefer the better guy and thats why I go to Matt.

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Yea, it is the case. Just ask Reuben. He can tell ya and prolly already has.

I can say the same thing to you, you and Reuben are obviously really good friends. You have his stickers all over your bike and you are talking about him every chance you get on here. All I am saying is I know the real story behind how the shock dyno usage came to be. If it wasnt for the fact that Reuben was working for Matt, he would of never known about it..

Ok, I was going to let this slide, but ask Matt how long he has known Anita... Just ask that and report back. If it was before 1995, you win. If not, let's drop it, ok? Seriously... I know you are a Fan-boy of Matt and the comment about the fucking stickers is over the top. I helped Reuben and he's helped me. I support a guy who is supporting the sport and that has the knowledge and the know how.

Matt works for you. That's cool. Matt also works for the OP and again, that's cool. Wanna get into a pissing contest? We can do that and muddy the water here. But, that wouldn't go well for you if we did and I am not about to go there. Just drop it, cool?


Yea, I hang out with Matt. Yes, I like to promote his shop. But its not cause he does anything for me. Im not getting anything free from Matt by throwing his name out there. I just want people to know that he is one of the best Mechanics ALL AROUND. Not just suspension, but from headlight to the exhaust he knows his shit. Yea, he mostly works on Ducati... Duh, he owns a Ducati dealership. He works on every make tho. If you have ever been yo his shop you will see he has lots of zooks, kaws, honduhs, triumphs, Moto Guzzis, I have seen all makes and models in there. And Im not even there much.

But yes, there will always be good guys and guys that are better. I agree. But I prefer the better guy and thats why I go to Matt.

He never told you he'd support you racing? He never gave you deals on things at all? You seriously drive 3 plus hours one way and haul bikes for him and hang at the shop "helping out" and you get simply a pat on the back? The guy that has to scrape up money to do track days and you spend how much in fuel just to drive to Indy and hang out? Really?

I get free stickers from Reuben. I helped with the logo. His idea, I just tweaked it. The help Rub gives me is being a friend and a sound board. I have had him doing stuff for me for a while, but we have known each other through racing - not because I hang out with him to get a deal. Ask him outside suspension service, how much stuff I have had him do. It's a REALLY short list.

Now, have I seen his work? Have I ridden his work? Have I seen his results in teams and riders at the fucking National level? Yes. Does he have some seriously great race contacts that I KNOW Matt doesn't have? Yes. It's like a guy that tunes for Yosh and a guy who tunes for a Suzuki dealer. Both know their shit, but one guy knows his shit... Get it? Ask Matt to do a Supersport build on an in-line and you won't get the same knowledge as the guys that do it regularly. Ask Rub to do a twin and it's the same thing... Matt's great at twin work and especially Ducs. That's great.

Oh, and don't take my word for it. Ask around the WERA National and AMA paddocks. Maybe ask a few AMA Factory team guys even, about Rub. Ask them about Matt. I'm a fan of Rub's for sure. We're friends with a common bond and have known each other a long time. No coat tails here, but I will say that I am glad he is on his own and he is succeeding. Good things happen to good people and it is cool to see it occur.

Matt's a seemingly good guy, too. Again, as I fucking stated a number of times... go where you want and where it feels right to you. That's why there are so many choices. But, don't talk out the side of your mouth if you don't know the whole scoop. I am sure you are on the phone with Matt asking questions and getting the "scoop", but I can tell you it is more than what you are being told and there's more than you know even though you feel you know it all...

Honestly, Yota, I hope that this doesn't kill it when we meet again. I understand your side, but please understand mine. I am not going to sit here and let you sling shit when it is not substantiated with the right info. I haven't slung mud at Matt about anything. Not once and I haven't told people to NOT go there. He does good work. My suggesting Rub is based on what a LOT of others will say and the experience he has is undeniable.

We're talking race prep or track prep work here, by the way...

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Honestly, Yota, I hope that this doesn't kill it when we meet again. I understand your side, but please understand mine. I am not going to sit here and let you sling shit when it is not substantiated with the right info. I haven't slung mud at Matt about anything. Not once and I haven't told people to NOT go there. He does good work. My suggesting Rub is based on what a LOT of others will say and the experience he has is undeniable.

We're talking race prep or track prep work here, by the way...

I havnt slung any shit at all. The whole reason I am defending Matt is because of your obnoxious post #62

I havent said anything negative about Rub or his new company. I was just trying to clear things up for your un-called-for comments about Matt.

When I thought I could actually afford to race, Matt said he would help me where he could, yes. But as I said, Im not getting anything free from him. It was more moral support than anything considering I still have not raced. Im going to buy a mini-motard bike to race at CRP because I can actually afford it realistically and could be more competitive there. Hopefully I will still be able to do some track days this year... and about dorving out there... To be honest with ya, I drove out there the 3 plus hours to help the guy out and to hang out with a friend. Yea it was alot of gas money, but I would usually have the people who own the bike I was taking give me money for gas, or at least split it with me. I enjoy hanging out at the shop as Im sure you and lots of others on here do.

This isnt going to kill anything between us man. No worries. Im done arguing about it. I just didnt appreciate the way you were talking about him and had to defend him.

VW151... carry on with the girlfriend pictures... she sure does have a purty mouth :D

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Well....... I think both cases have been stated about as far as I can see them being productive.

I'll reiterate a point I made earlier.

That will always be a matter of opinion so there isn't much point in arguing.

Sounds like Reuben does very good and professional work. Matt does great work too. End of story. As I said before. I've developed a good relationship with Matt. I've always been very happy with his work and he is highly recommended among the people I ride with so I'm probably not gonna jump ship for another guy in Indy. Maybe one day if I become an AMA racer or get serious about WERA and I feel like Matt's set ups aren't working for me I'll shop around but I don't see that happening anytime soon and especially not with the old 2003 GSX-R750 I bought. This bike is pretty much a track toy, if things get serious and I can support doing some real racing one day I'll likely move up to something newer. I just bought this bike so I could do track days, work on my skills and not have to worry about messing up my pretty bike. No less, I'm confident Matt could continue to help out my riding with his work even if I did get a little more serious about it. Matt rides Ducati's but also Rides and has ridden GSXRs (little known secret). He didn't always own a ducati shop. He has come to a lot of his own suspension conclusions based on the riding he has done on these bike. I really do trust the guys work, and again, I'm taking nothing away from Reuben. I'd love to meet him sometime. Keep in mind, I do know Matt and have hung out with him socially before but I am speaking more from a customer standpoint. I don't have the same ties as yota does to Matt or Lizard does to Reuben. I've been to a lot of dealers since I bought my ducati and Indy is the only one I've truely been happy with.

Again, thank you for the input. I have to admit, this whole thread has turned out to be very educational and entertaining.

Anyone see that Alpine Stars hoody on my girlfriend? Pretty sweet huh.

in this pic she is sporting some budweiser schwagg. She likes beer! So do I. Those are some of my Dayton buddies hanging around her.


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I havnt slung any shit at all. The whole reason I am defending Matt is because of your obnoxious post #62

Not sure where it is obnoxious or mis-representing... You gotta quit reading with your heart and read with your mind, man. Nothing stated was out of line. Matt can do suspension work and has a good focus on Ohlins. But, again, he doesn't get the most up to date info that Rub gets. I guess that's what I was saying. Having the same tools and the same access to things like the shock dyno is great, but having first hand knowledge about things that will be down the road for most is another.

It's simply an edge that Rub has and that's it. Tommy Hayden is a great racer, but Mladin has that little bit more. Again, choices are called choices for a reason and all I was saying at that time was that Rub is a little better choice and why.

Fitzgerald can tell Reuben what to look for on that shock dyno, let's say on a certain TTX or similar Ohlins. Matt however, won't get that info unless he calls Mike or when that info gets out which is usually a track only type of info and when it does get to the techs out there, they are already using something different.

Penske info? Traxxion and even Fitzgerald are the top choices for that info. Rub is always getting the info at the very minute it is available. He not only rides on the stuff (and Ohlins), but he works on the stuff and knows what works and what doesn't.

For example. If something is spec'd out for a certain way, that's cool. But spec doesn't work for everyone. It's an average that works for most than being exact. And that's fine for entry level riders and such. BUT, to take that spec and mess around with it to TAILOR it more precise is something that most people don't do. That first hand knowledge and first hand info is what gets a guy just that little step further ahead in the things he does...

Guys like Jensen and others are riding on prototype stuff that doesn't exist to the general public. It will, but not yet. If you are around that stuff and can get info that relates to things you can do on the stuff that IS available to make it better than "spec", that's an advantage.

Again, Yota... There's not been any slinging towards Matt and there's not been any obnoxiousness. You are taking it too personal and I understand, but if you look with an open mind, you will see where I am coming from.

The OP stated that he is sticking with Matt and stated good reasons. I understand his side and understand that he is comfortable with Matt and I think that is great. Return customers are what shops and owners need.

This is an issue between you taking things personal and not seeing the reality. Now, if you suggest Matt to others and have solid reasons why, that's awesome! I will not argue that at all. You have solid reasonings and there are others that feel the same way and that's great, too.

All I want to make sure that happens is that one, you state truths. Two, you keep it as neutral as you can and not let feelings guide your responses. You do that and we'll be fine.

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now my girlfriend is going to want one!!!! What ended up being wrong with the adjuster on the forks? What was the rear shock sprung to b4 it was changed? What about the front?

The fork adjuster wasn't stripped but it had been spun too far down and came off track so it had to be taken apart to get it back together.

Rear shock.... I can't remember the spring type but you were right it was set for a 200lb rider. When I get the stuff back I'll tell you what type spring it was. I'm keeping all the old stuff.

Forks had 1.05 springs in it..... ended up going down to a 1.0 to see how they feel, if they end up being too soft I'll go back to the 1.05.

Have I mentioned I can't wait to ride that bike once it's set up.

I got that hoodie at the pony for her for V-day. I thought it was pretty cool but wasn't able to find them anywhere on the internet. Only ever saw them at the pony. I just posted that stuff up to try and throw off the suspension flame war. It clearly didn't work. LOL :)

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Well isnt that suprising, I say I am done arguing and you have to go off and try to just get your last statement in. If you didnt do this constantly to people on the board, I would be surprised. But this is typical of you. You do realize youre being extremely hypocritical in your responses. Oh well, it is what it is.

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Well isnt that suprising, I say I am done arguing and you have to go off and try to just get your last statement in. If you didnt do this constantly to people on the board, I would be surprised. But this is typical of you. You do realize youre being extremely hypocritical in your responses. Oh well, it is what it is.

What?!?!? You stated I was being obnoxious in a post and I was defending my statement. Point out the hypocritical part, will ya? "it is what it is" ...Nice.

Now it is a jab at me and I appreciate the stand up antics. Why did you even have to go that direction, man? The guys are right about you, dude...

VW, you made a good choice and I am glad to see you getting it sorted. I think you'll be happy with what you have decided. Suspension is one of the BEST things you can have done to your bike and getting it right is what it is all about.

Just a note, too. Remember, you can mix springs. You can take that 1.05 and 1.00 and put one in one fork and the other one in the other fork and get a 1.025 rate...

Sorry the thread became a piss match between Yota and I. I'll see ya in April at Mid-Ohio. Look me up and say hi...


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Just a note, too. Remember, you can mix springs. You can take that 1.05 and 1.00 and put one in one fork and the other one in the other fork and get a 1.025 rate...

Interesting.....I did not know that.

I don't mind a good pissing match. As long as it ends eventually. Personally I think both parties have said their piece, made there point and then some. Not much more to say.




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Interesting.....I did not know that.

I don't mind a good pissing match. As long as it ends eventually. Personally I think both parties have said their piece, made there point and then some. Not much more to say.




Huh? You said "boobies"? Huh? What?

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Yup, for example... I have a set of 1.00 in the right fork and .95s in the other. So, I get that .975 rate that I need. It's just that slight tweek that can make a difference...

I'd love to see this explained in a physics class type of discussion. I can see how it would work but it goes against intuition a little. You'd be inclined to think it would handle differently in left turns vs. right turns but I could just as easily be convinced that it works the way you say.

I need some diagrams and text books explaining the way forks compress :)

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I'd love to see this explained in a physics class type of discussion. I can see how it would work but it goes against intuition a little. You'd be inclined to think it would handle differently in left turns vs. right turns but I could just as easily be convinced that it works the way you say.

I need some diagrams and text books explaining the way forks compress :)

It wont handle differently at all.. You're thinking that your forks move independently of each other however when it comes to compression and rebound, you have to realize that your front suspension system is a fixed rectangle and they move together. Just like the new R1, the left fork handles compression damping and the right side handles the rebound damping

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It wont handle differently at all.. You're thinking that your forks move independently of each other however when it comes to compression and tension, you have to realize that your front suspension system is a rectangle and they move together. Just like the new R1, the left fork handles compression damping and the right side handles the rebound damping

I can see that. Very interesting to think about. And now that you put it that way I can see that it would be impossible for your forks to move independently unless it was really broken. That's some crazy shit with the compression and rebound on separate sides. What is the advantage of splitting them up other than illustrating an interesting point about forks. Isn't the new R1 the bike that has the really cool firing order also? Those guys are crazy.

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I can see that. Very interesting to think about. And now that you put it that way I can see that it would be impossible for your forks to move independently unless it was really broken. That's some crazy shit with the compression and rebound on separate sides. What is the advantage of splitting them up other than illustrating an interesting point about forks. Isn't the new R1 the bike that has the really cool firing order also? Those guys are crazy.

Well my guess would be that since you only have to worry about compression or rebound in one fork, it allows you to put more components in that fork which only have to deal with 1 aspect of suspension. Instead of cramming all of the compression and rebound components in each fork, you can load one fork completely with more specialized compression parts and the other with more specialized rebound parts. More room to work with would give you allot more options with what types of parts you use thus allowing larger parts and more parts per fork to focus on one thing. Its just like the GP bikes.

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Well my guess would be that since you only have to worry about compression or rebound in one fork, it allows you to put more components in that fork which only have to deal with 1 aspect of suspension. Instead of cramming all of the compression and rebound components in each fork, you can load one fork completely with more specialized compression parts and the other with more specialized rebound parts. More room to work with would give you allot more options with what types of parts you use thus allowing larger parts and more parts per fork to focus on one thing. Its just like the GP bikes.

Sounds right to me.

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