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Georges St-Pierre vs. Josh Koscheck


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Lots of smack talk leading up to this one. My money is on GSP, but I am rooting for Koscheck. He is pulling the role of heel soooooo well.


Prediction: GSP keeps it standing and makes Koscheck's face look like he was in a car accident. Koscheck must wear GSP down, get a takedown late, and pull some old school Coleman wrestling style ground and pound to win.

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GSP is classy. I use to jsut think "meh" but after watching how he's handled Koschek this season I hope he puts him down in the 1st. Some call him a "boring fighter". I call him an expert at what he does.


"Exciting fights" are usually 2 opponents who aren't good enough to be considered elite. They pummel everyone below their skill tier but when they reach a tier equal to theirs or higher they struggle. Thus, the fight is more "exciting".


GSP (and Silva, whom I can't stand) is an elite fighter. I can't stand Koschek or his mouth and while the consequences wouldn't be in my favor I'd love a chance to punch him in the face.


Not everybody loves Kos.

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anyone have any idea when and who silva is fighting next?


id also like to see brock get back on top.





nm, 5 Feb Silva vs vitor belfort


edited again:


another good fight coming up on 1 Jan 2011:


frankie edgar vs gray maynard - this fight will be epic. i look for gray to destroy him, hes an Ohioan that wrestled at lakewood st ed's.

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anyone have any idea when and who silva is fighting next?


id also like to see brock get back on top.





nm, 5 Feb Silva vs vitor belfort


edited again:


another good fight coming up on 1 Jan 2011:


frankie edgar vs gray maynard - this fight will be epic. i look for gray to destroy him, hes an Ohioan that wrestled at lakewood st ed's.


Edgar vs Maynard will not be that good. Edgar moves like a 145 pounder and will work Maynard on the stand up end of things.

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Kos reminds me of Tito, how he just talked alot. I like gsp he's what I call triple c, cool cLm and collective. He fights well.


Can't wait for silva to fight. Last fight I seen he was getting owned in the last round then BAM!!! Match over by submission(I think lol)

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GSP is such an intelligent fighter and so well prepared, I think he will win. Although I think most of what Kos does is an act, and he's more serious than people think.


This, but Kos is still a prick.



I know Kos is a good wrestler, but I don't think this will stay standing. GSP will want to take him down and control him. He is succeptible to the overhand right and won't take chances. He's learned he doesn't like getting knocked out.


If Kos wins, and there's always that chance in MMA, I believe it will be from that same overhand right which he loves to throw (and it really his only bread and butter standing move, at least up till now.)

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Joe Rogan said it the best " this is the best use of the jab I have ever seen in a MMA fight".


Right now I would put money on GSP over Silva and even more on GSP over Penn. GSP is the best pound for pound and well rounded figher in the world.


Kos is one of the toughest SOB's out there. Fucker got his face punced in but just kept going.

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