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Fuck it moving down south


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This is for Florida. Seems to be pretty cut and dry. Same as Ohio right ?

776.012 Use of force in defense of person.--A person is justified in the use of force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against such other's imminent use of unlawful force. However, the person is justified in the use of deadly force only if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent .

Edited by BrianZ06
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Just found this also for Fl. Dated 2004. I briefly read this.http://licgweb.doacs.state.fl.us/weapons/self_defense.html

Ohio should be the same.

Q. When can I use my handgun to protect myself?


A. Florida law justifies use of deadly force when you are:


Trying to protect yourself or another person from death or serious bodily harm;

Trying to prevent a forcible felony, such as rape, robbery, burglary or kidnapping.

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I just got back from Ft Lauderdale this week and it was in the low 40's at night and early AM and around 62ish during the day.....granted not as cold as here or Ohio but still cold for there and what they normally see.


It was funny seeing them freak out and basically have parkas on in 60 degree weather...

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LOL....at this thread!


When you travel enough you will realize ALL places have good and bad. It doesn't matter where you live, you can NOT escape it...


Weather is great in Houston (72-today) but you've got other issues also that you don't have (or as bad) in Ohio. Home prices are cheaper but property taxes are higher and car insurance multiply 3X what you pay now. Traffic is worse in some parts and you've got tons of illegals driving around without insurance. People drive faster but more population also means MORE idiots on the road. It is nice to be able to ride/drive your toy everyday down here but some roads and parts you really don't want to.


Enjoy the time when you move away but depending on where you are headed you will probably be back in Ohio some day. I never thought I would be moving back but someday I see it as a possibility now...

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  Billiumss said:
Bye Bye... enjoy the bugs, high summer humidity, Huricanes and old people. lol


Old people :rolleyes: what is it with this old people thing. Where I go the old/older people are pretty cool. As far as bugs I have never had a problem with them where I go. Fire ants can be a problem. It's muggy and miserable in ohio at times to so it is not all that different. Huricanes or snow/ice storms they both do damage. It equals out still in my opinion. Not saying Fl is heaven but it is not near as bad as some think.

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  BrianZ06 said:
Old people :rolleyes: what is it with this old people thing. Where I go the old/older people are pretty cool.


its not old people, its old people from the EAST COAST. I don't have any problem with old timers from Ohio/Midwest, but those wealthy,rude,arrogant old timers from the East Coast are downright nasty.

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The bugs,traffic,old timers won't bother me. The heat I can deal with because I'll have my a/c in my house/car on full blast and just make the best of it. When I went to florida back in 2000 I don't recall ever dealing with long traffic even heading down the cost to miami or daytona beach. If i come back I come back atleast I would've had the joy of a couple christmas's wearing short. Seeing all the badass woman in thong bikini's at the beach lol.
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  burmese434 said:
The bugs,traffic,old timers won't bother me. The heat I can deal with because I'll have my a/c in my house/car on full blast and just make the best of it. When I went to florida back in 2000 I don't recall ever dealing with long traffic even heading down the cost to miami or daytona beach. If i come back I come back atleast I would've had the joy of a couple christmas's wearing short. Seeing all the badass woman in thong bikini's at the beach lol.


1994-2003 were the "golden years" for Flordia (Native Floridians call this "old Flordia"). Back then it was nothing short of bliss. Then came the housing boom (and now bust) of 2004.


Starting in 2004 empty nesters from the east coast made $$$$$$$$$$ selling there houses, then flocked to Florida en-mass and bought up property(ies). In addition investors WORLD WIDE started buying up FL. property at an unimaginable scale (due impart to incompetent lenders who assumed property values would continue to soar, which they did not).


It was a ponzi-scheme of unimaginable proportions: those who sold early,or bought and sold (flipped) got rich, those that bought and held out often wound up foreclosing. This scenario played out all over the country but the state of Fl was one of the hardest hit.


When I was down there about 1 out of every 3 people had foreclosed on a home...INSANITY!


Yes, laying on the beach smoking a macanudo/sipping on a corona while watching 2 young, tan hottiez sult by is very, very nice. Yes the weather down there this time of year is second to none (except for Fall/Spring in Ohio). But other then that FL. is a shithole. There are no jobs, TONS of crime, and bascially everyone down there is an asshat from the east coast.


With the exception of Dec/Jan/Feb Ohio is the shit.

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And I should add: if you are looking to buy a place in Flordia (especially Southwest Flordia) the time is RIGHT. Wait until all the snowbirds head home come April and make an offer in May, you should basically be able to steal waterfront property... Edited by acklac7
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  acklac7 said:
1994-2003 were the "golden years" for Flordia (Native Floridians call this "old Flordia"). Back then it was nothing short of bliss. Then came the housing boom (and now bust) of 2004.


Starting in 2004 empty nesters from the east coast made $$$$$$$$$$ selling there houses, then flocked to Florida en-mass and bought up property(ies). In addition investors WORLD WIDE started buying up FL. property at an unimaginable scale (due impart to incompetent lenders who assumed property values would continue to soar, which they did not).


It was a ponzi-scheme of unimaginable proportions: those who sold early,or bought and sold (flipped) got rich, those that bought and held out often wound up foreclosing. This scenario played out all over the country but the state of Fl was one of the hardest hit.


When I was down there about 1 out of every 3 people had foreclosed on a home...INSANITY!


Yes, laying on the beach smoking a macanudo/sipping on a corona while watching 2 young, tan hottiez sult by is very, very nice. Yes the weather down there this time of year is second to none (except for Fall/Spring in Ohio). But other then that FL. is a shithole. There are no jobs, TONS of crime, and bascially everyone down there is an asshat from the east coast.


With the exception of Dec/Jan/Feb Ohio is the shit.


i'd have to agree. still, i'll be looking at condo's in sarasota this january when i go there.


we've got -25 windchill and a foot of snow on the ground here in wisconsin bitches. won't see the grass again until march.



i lived in tampa 3 years ago for a year. the summer is absolutely intolerable---hot, humid, rains every single day. you cannot stop sweating. you need an automatic starter to get the a/c running before you get into the car. no basement to store things means people store everything in their garage and park in the driveway. i had some stuff stored in the attic and random plastic items had actually melted. people are rude as shit, plain and simple. the neighborhood where we rented (gated community, nice houses) had well over 100 houses in foreclosure when we left. thank GOD i didn't buy a house for the year i was there.


i won't mention anything about the mexican-americans who outnumber english speaking americans. but you had better be able to either speak/understand spanish, or not get annoyed with everyone around you speaking it.


sure, plenty of hot women there. great place to vacation, but not a good place to live if you ask me, and i lived in one of the better cities in fla.

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  kirks5oh said:


i won't mention anything about the mexican-americans who outnumber english speaking americans.


Forgot to mention that one too.


Rumour has it that coyotes from Az/Cali have a "list" on where to send illegals once they get into the states. NO #1 on that list is Florida...Ugh I could go on and on about that state. The south has one thing going and one thing only: good weather (and employment) in the winter months! Move down there in Dec. then try and survive May-Oct...It's a nightmare.


And some good things about Florida: Fresh Seafood, girls during spring break and the fishing (especially shark fishing). Fresh Stone Crab Legs and Blackened Grouper are some of the best food on this planet...Getting drunk as hell on the beach during spring break aint half bad either :D

Edited by acklac7
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