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Prayers needed


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My stepfather was rushed to Grant over the weekend due to him having two TIA's (minor strokes) which he is still there having more tests done. Today, my grandfather who just turned 90 over the weekend is as we speak now being rushed to Grant due to chest pains and elevated BP.


Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers as we need them pretty badly right now.

Edited by TimTaylor75
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Whoa, I'm sorry to hear this. :( I will definitely be pulling for them and I hope everything turns out okay.


Also, I think you meant TIAs - it stands for transient ischemic attacks. I realize it was probably just a typo, but I didn't want people being all like, "Huh what's that?"

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Home from Grant. My stepdad was released this evening after his MRI showed no signs of him having a stroke. Appears that there may have been complications due to migraine headaches. Tests showed that nothing is wrong with Papaw's heart and they believe he may have some stomach issues. They're keeping him overnight to do a scope in the morning.


Thanks guys for the kind words.

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Home from Grant. My stepdad was released this evening after his MRI showed no signs of him having a stroke. Appears that there may have been complications due to migraine headaches. Tests showed that nothing is wrong with Papaw's heart and they believe he may have some stomach issues. They're keeping him overnight to do a scope in the morning.


Thanks guys for the kind words.


I'm glad to hear.

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Thanks for the kind words everyone. My Grandfather is getting released today after they determined his symptoms were caused by severe acid reflux and that his heart is doing fine.


Definitely been a stressful weekend/early week, but good news on both fronts!

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