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Browns vs Bengals...


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I like watching the Browns play. They are fun to watch, especially Hillis


I just wish they'd be a bit more consistent... they up and smack teams like the Patriots and Saints, barely miss beating the Jets, then get schooled by the Bills and (as I write this) are losing to the Bungles.

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i hope we do some house cleaning this off season. i say good bye to...






Then: Extend Benson, Throw Simpson and Cawdwell on the outside, shipley in the slot. THen, Draft a QB Number 1, Receiver 2 and 3, then defense defense defense


Drop our OC - Chucky


Then maybe fire lewis and bring in GRUDEN!!!!


That would be my wish list!

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a browns fan calling the bengals the bungals ....................


As far back as I can remember, to the Schottenheimer+Wyche eras, the Browns have always been called the Clowns, and the Bengals the Bungles. Sorta like how the Tennessee Titans have had the nickname "The Flaming Thumbtacks" since the moment their logo was revealed.

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a browns fan calling the bengals the bungals .................... LOL LOL LOL



GTFO - hahahahahahahah


A bungles fan seeming to not understand how these nicknames work, AND avoiding the fact that your team has a worse record than the Browns. Who dey think gonna LOL all the way home? ME.

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