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Jim Tressel Leaving After Sugar Bowl


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Aside from that blog reporting it, theres a dude on Bucknuts that also reported the players being in trouble days before anyone else broke it. See the college football thread for more info on that. It is just a rumor right now, but so was the players getting in trouble, until they had a news conference.


Urban Meyer would be more then welcomed by me to come coach at tOSU. Meyer, John Gruden and Mark Dantonio would be on my want list.


PS, didn't Pryor also tweet that he did nothing wrong, the day before being suspended 5 games? Just saying, it could be true, or it could be totally bogus. Hopefully its just bogus

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Aside from that blog reporting it, theres a dude on Bucknuts that also reported the players being in trouble days before anyone else broke it. See the college football thread for more info on that. It is just a rumor right now, but so was the players getting in trouble, until they had a news conference.


Urban Meyer would be more then welcomed by me to come coach at tOSU. Meyer, John Gruden and Mark Dantonio would be on my want list.


PS, didn't Pryor also tweet that he did nothing wrong, the day before being suspended 5 games? Just saying, it could be true, or it could be totally bogus. Hopefully its just bogus


The guy who works for Bucknuts is someone who covers OSU, let alone NCAAFB, has actual insider connections and sources and does this for a living. This guy is in Chicago, doesn't even cover OSU let alone NCAAFB. He doesn't even know how the recruiting process works.

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i wasn't really talking about the website in Chicago...the owners of Bucknuts know about as much as me and you. I stopped my "premium" membership on there cause they are a fucking joke. The "insider" info that you speak about was usually bullshit. They were always reporting how this recruit was going here or there, and very rarely did they get it right. In fact it was 2008 that i stopped my membership, i can't tell you how many times their "insider" reported Pryor was a Michigan verbal, or was going to pick Penn St so he could stay close to home, then he was Oregon bound haha.


I was talking more about the poster on BN that was also the first to report players were going to get suspended. This guy isn't a worker of Bucknuts, but a random guy like me or you that seems to be spot on with his "rumors"


Either way, hopefully it is true that this was just a hoax. Time will tell

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Yeah, with what happened with the tattoo thing you can't really discount anything right now. Lots of the same people who are saying everything is fine with this story were saying everything was fine with the tattoo story.


Gene Smith and Shelly Poe coming out and denying it all is a little different. I don't think Tressel is a guy who would jump ship. He's going to leave this program better than he found it.


It's been a rough 3 days since the kids went home for Christmas... now they all get back together tomorrow for the first time since the suspensions were handed out. Going to learn a lot about guys like Pryor from what happens the rest of the way.

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