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I've been cheating on my gf for a year. But now I'm in an embarrassing situation. Any help?

I have been cheating on my girlfriend for over a year and am really good at hiding it. But a couple of weeks ago she called me to tell me she was getting off work early. I had a girl at our apartment, so we had to rush her out before my gf got home. Turns out that she left some things at the apartment - including some makeup and her stockings.


I completely panicked and told her that they were mine and that I was crossdressing. I've never ever been into crossdressing and have never worn a piece of woman's clothing a day in my life, but she totally believed me.


She was cool about it, almost too happy. She told me she felt like it brought us closer together, whatever that means. So here's my problem: she's been buying me more women's clothing and makeup and expecting me to wear them around the apartment for the past two weeks. I've felt so guilty that I've agreed to do it and acted as though I liked it. Yesterday I told her I didn't want to do it anymore, but she got upset and told me that she didn't want me to keep stuff from her. I don't even know what that means!


Please, someone tell me what I can do to get over this situation. Coming clean is not an option - she will definitely dump me and I can't let that happen. So no, I won't tell her no matter what. I'm not going to cheat on her anymore and I guess I'm ok with her thinking I crossdress (eww), but I can't stand dressing up like this anymore. I feel like my masculinity is fading away :(


And please don't laugh, I'm really embarrassed about the crossdressing. She had me shave my legs and I actually look exactly like a real girl. I'm freaking out.


I asked this before in a different section. But all the chicks there weren't helpful at all. instead they just whined about how im a bad person for cheating followed by lots of laughter. i figured id get better luck by posting in a section that more guys are on.


Any advice, please!


* 4 months ago

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@Chelsea: what makes you think I want fashion advice? I'm being serious here.


I don't need people taking your advice and mocking me, I'm already insecure about my masculinity enough without having strangers talk to me like I was a chick. so stfu


@everyone else: so I was a dick, so what? that's over and now im stuck in this situation, so give me some good advice!


4 months ago

Everyone telling me to just dump her - that is not an option! I am NOT going to break up with her and I am NOT going to tell her about me cheating!


Just so that's clear, what I really want is advice on how to play it off as though the clothes were there for some other reason.


4 months ago

And those of you who are talking to me like I was a girl, stop it!


you have no idea how embarrassing it is to have to be someone's girlfriend like this. The thing that really bothers me is that I might look like a real girl while dressed up.


That really messes me up and I don't need some spiteful chicks calling me princess and telling me what i should wear!




Cliffs: Guy gets caught with another girls stuff in his room. Of course he's not going to admit that he's been cheating..... so claims he's been crossdressing. Hilarity ensues.

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