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Ok so where does it end? Its ok to make a stupid comment once in a while, everyone makes the "Your mom" comments or whatever, but when you have a whole group of people that make it go on for months, in this case, years... And then you have people start signing up with fake accounts and stuff pretending to be his sister and trying to find pictures of them on the internet and taking it to the extreme it just has to stop. It has gone beyond a bad joke. Its harassment.
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Oh, and Phil was removed for repeated thread shitting after a ban for letting a banned account purposely access his account to get on CR.


This isn't just about Paul's sister if some of you are that shallow to believe so. Sounds like when people believed Tyler was removed for mentioning PODS :lol:

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Oh, and Phil was removed for repeated thread shitting after a ban for letting a banned account purposely access his account to get on CR.


This isn't just about Paul's sister if some of you are that shallow to believe so. Sounds like when people believed Tyler was removed for mentioning PODS :lol:


is that why it my ban reason said "stop mentioning pauls sister"?


and yes we have all taken shit, ive taken a shit ton for being friends with certain people, driving the car i drove,playing the sport i played, ect ect ect. i simply asked for you guys to respect my bounderies so if we are banning people for hurting others feelings, 90% of this thread has banned people in it.

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is that why it my ban reason said "stop mentioning pauls sister"?


and yes we have all taken shit, ive taken a shit ton for being friends with certain people, driving the car i drove,playing the sport i played, ect ect ect. i simply asked for you guys to respect my bounderies so if we are banning people for hurting others feelings, 90% of this thread has banned people in it.


you spelled "pauls" wrong in your sig

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Pauls my friend but it's seriously not fair to others at all.


Welcome back Phillip! BTW you missed out on epic bottle pouring down bitches throats! Ask Leigh it was epic!


PHIL!!!! I thought you got abducted by gay aliens and liked it so much you stayed or something. Back on topic what Brandon said was true, Bottles, Bitches Throats, and other epicosity. It was great, oh and fence tackling......


Anywho, you're still a big gay and need to come out and party with us again.

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