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Wisdom Teeth - Don Hertzfeldt


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had mine removed earlier today. I am NOT clicking on that. my face hurts like someone beat my face in with a bat.


lol I was at the dentist yesterday, too! In the evening. Been having problems with a back molar filling. They finally decided to just root canal it. But here's the kicker! I have a very unusual mouth. Nothing about it is common. You should see the reactions out every new dentist I've ever had. lol Anyway, I'll get into one of the unique things about my mouth, not the most unique, but relevant here. You see, I get to have 4 canals in this tooth, effectively meaning I had to have 4 root canals in one sitting in one tooth. Even better, I get to go back Monday and finish up. That means another round shots with a special numbing agent. They didn't get it all done. IT'll be my 3rd trip for this tooth in the past week and a half. They have a very hard time numbing me as my body just seems to abosrb the stuff. So, I get to have multiple shots throughout the procedure into my bone, etc. (I could get anastesia, but it's more expensive and I have a tendency to wake up during procedures. I've done it through 3 times during 2 surgeries.) THis dentist is actually excellent. Every dentist has problems from having to order special tools to this shit and others.


Honestly, I don't think wisdom teeth are that bad. (If you saw what my teeth look like, the size of the roots and shapes of them, you could never imagine it was an easy extraction. I've had 4 pulled and there were some impactions. Popped some ibuprofen after the surgery and was done. The only thing I always worry about is losing the blood clot afterward. That shit sucks.

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lol I was at the dentist yesterday, too! In the evening. Been having problems with a back molar filling. They finally decided to just root canal it. But here's the kicker! I have a very unusual mouth. Nothing about it is common. You should see the reactions out every new dentist I've ever had. lol Anyway, I'll get into one of the unique things about my mouth, not the most unique, but relevant here. You see, I get to have 4 canals in this tooth, effectively meaning I had to have 4 root canals in one sitting in one tooth. Even better, I get to go back Monday and finish up. That means another round shots with a special numbing agent. They didn't get it all done. IT'll be my 3rd trip for this tooth in the past week and a half. They have a very hard time numbing me as my body just seems to abosrb the stuff. So, I get to have multiple shots throughout the procedure into my bone, etc. (I could get anastesia, but it's more expensive and I have a tendency to wake up during procedures. I've done it through 3 times during 2 surgeries.) THis dentist is actually excellent. Every dentist has problems from having to order special tools to this shit and others.


Honestly, I don't think wisdom teeth are that bad. (If you saw what my teeth look like, the size of the roots and shapes of them, you could never imagine it was an easy extraction. I've had 4 pulled and there were some impactions. Popped some ibuprofen after the surgery and was done. The only thing I always worry about is losing the blood clot afterward. That shit sucks.


I was doing some reading yesterday and marijuana has a serious effect on local and general anastesia. Just sayin,


I thought I was going to have issues but I was fine. Dozed off and before I knew it it was done.

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I was doing some reading yesterday and marijuana has a serious effect on local and general anastesia. Just sayin,


I thought I was going to have issues but I was fine. Dozed off and before I knew it it was done.


Even if that were relevant/true, I've had that issue my entire life. Then again, my mom and step dad were smokers. lol ;)

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