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scratches in dash plastic


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so my lease is up in another moth and there's about an 8 inch long very shallow scratch across my glove box and I was wondering if there is an easy way to get rid of that scratch so I don't get raped trying to turn the car back in...


any ideas?

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Deep enough it needs filled or buffed? I have fixed one before by taping the closest I could get to the scratch on both sides, filling it with epoxy(do this as close to just overfilling as possible to eliminate unnecessary sanding), sanding it with the tape still in place(go slow and use a very fine grit and soapy water), then I picked up a can of interior matching paint at the body store. It was the cheapest. I sprayed it into a cup until I got enough to pour into my airbrush and ever so lighly sprayed it on with no buildup. Or have you tried finding a new part on line like ebay?


Becareful whatever you do or trying different things could make it 10x's worse.

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Probably never going to completely go away.


You could try filling it wtih epoxy and lightly sanding if its more of a gash.


Some mention a magic eraser, which basically just sands it lightly.


Last method would be to use a heat gun, to soften it and gently try and get the scratch to 'close up'


All of these risk making it worse however

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honestly, it's so shallow that I can't feel the scratch with my finger but I can see it go all across the glovebox.


I kind of like your idea of the airbrush... how expensive are those and how hard is it to do?


I looked on ebay and could not find anything for a 2008 Altima Glovebox.

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