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Need help finding a decent RF capable universal remote


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I have a pile of remotes, which would be nice to condense into one remote. I even have a Philips Pronto I bought 10 years ago that still works great, but I've discovered full touch screen remotes just kind of suck.


My bigger reason I need one is that I have ran HDMI cables from our main setup to our bedroom TV, and want to contol our DVR from there (PS3 has a Bluetooth remote, so no problem using that in there). But these RF remotes seem really expensive.


Logitech Harmony is the popular choice, and the ones I have played with in the past are nice, but to get one for RF, you have to buy a 900, 1000, or 1100 (1000 and 1100 being the full touch screens and pricey - no thanks). The 900 is about $230, plus another $60 for the PS3 adapter if I chose to use that. The older 890 is RF as well, but costs about the same as a 900.


What are my other options out there? Anything a LOT cheaper? The Acoustic Research Xsight is a good $50+ less than the 900, but is it any good?

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I use a URC 9910 RF remote <$50. Its pretty old now, but I found one used on amazon tonight



It works great, has a learning mode to simulate any IR remote, and has tons of customization. All our TV stuff is in the basement on a rack with the RF transmitter pointing at it and our TV is upstairs in our living room. Very nice.

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We have a Logitech 676 that works great. Try Ebay or Amazon.

"RF capable universal remote" And that thing is 6 years old, so you can find newer ones




I have a 1000 I might sell

I have the Philips Pronto, which does everything that 1000 would do minus RF, but I never use it because it sucks constantly looking at the remote to do anything...and it has about the same number of hard buttons as the 1000/1100, but they just aren't enough.



"this" being a non-RF remote = fully useless to me.


I use a URC 9910 RF remote <$50. Its pretty old now, but I found one used on amazon tonight



It works great, has a learning mode to simulate any IR remote, and has tons of customization. All our TV stuff is in the basement on a rack with the RF transmitter pointing at it and our TV is upstairs in our living room. Very nice.

I'll look more into this...might be a good alternative.


I also spoke to a buddy about the IR extender boxes - anyone have any experience with those?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ended up scoring a refurb Harmony 890 on E-bay for $107 shipped - couldn't find it anywhere cheaper. Should be here in a couple days. Just ordered the PS3 adapter as well.


I looked at the URC's, but chose this because:

- The RFS20/200 was cheaper, but I wanted something a bit nicer.

- R50 fit the bill, but by the time you purchased the RF blaster, it was more expensive than what I got the 890 for

- No PS3 adapter, so I'd still have to use my PS3 remote (which I will be keeping in the bedroom now, so it won't go to waste).


The 890 is a bit older, but they are still being sold new, and is as fancy as the newer 900 (and can be used with additional RF extenders, like the 1000/1100 where the 900 can't).

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