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Get ahold of there customer service dept, speak with a supervisor, ask for future notice and explain your current issues with well water and ect, be polite and understanding. I know you feel like they fucked u but there's no way they can call u and everyone else in the area. Its best to jus deal with the few customers that call in. Its a shitty situation, but if ur nice and understanding they will work with you better than you calling and being a stuffy faggot. Atleast that's what my custo dept. Tells me. Good luck, and when u have a problem don't post it on cr, no one cares and only a few people will attempt to help u. Good luck
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If any of you actually looked at an AEP bill, you would know that part of what you are paying for is transmission of service, and not just the electric itself. So he still is being charged for the time without electric.


It sucks, but you are captive. AEP doesn't give a shit if you are a happy or unhappy customer. Solution is to buy a generator.

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DP&L did the same thing to me. Their policy is a call ahead 2 days in advance and to knock on the doors of everyone affected the day off. Neither was done for me or my 2 neighbors. I feel you on the inconvenience especially since the combination of noise and freezing my balls off woke me up 3 hours after i went to sleep from working a 17 hr shift. Had I been warned I would have slept at my parents. I ended up losing a couple fish due to the extreme drop in temperature in the house.
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man, why is everyone being a dick to Mike, I don't really see his post as whining as more than being pissed that he wasn't notified... AND THE FACT THAT IT WAS WINTER TIME AND HEATERS RUN ON ELECT.


If any of you actually looked at an AEP bill, you would know that part of what you are paying for is transmission of service, and not just the electric itself. So he still is being charged for the time without electric.


It sucks, but you are captive. AEP doesn't give a shit if you are a happy or unhappy customer. Solution is to buy a generator.


^ This and that.

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Maybe once you grow up and stop expecting others to change for your benefit, you'll get a job that you don't go to work at 10pm for that will allow you access to funds to buy a house within city limits with buried power lines and access to city water. :gtfo:



- I've seen his house, and it is probably nicer than yours. It isn't what I would call in the country either (if a 4 minute drive to a significant shopping/food areas is in the country, then so be it)


- Why live within city limits? I don't, and am all happier for it. And where does living within city limits = more expensive home? I can show you plenty of multi-million dollar homes in Central Ohio that are not within any city limits.


- Plenty of city limits homes have aerial utilities. I'm not within city limits and have underground.


- What is wrong with working 3rd shift? I loved it back when I was in college.

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- I've seen his house, and it is probably nicer than yours. It isn't what I would call in the country either (if a 4 minute drive to a significant shopping/food areas is in the country, then so be it)


- Why live within city limits? I don't, and am all happier for it. And where does living within city limits = more expensive home? I can show you plenty of multi-million dollar homes in Central Ohio that are not within any city limits.


- Plenty of city limits homes have aerial utilities. I'm not within city limits and have underground.


- What is wrong with working 3rd shift? I loved it back when I was in college.


glad i got quoted :D whatever, its not the romper room, its not like anyone else has contributed anything useful whatsoever to this thread, might as well lock the whole thing

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