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civil service exam


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Theres another test(at least for columbus police) that requires you to talk to a videotape. I cannot remember what it was called but it is very awkward because its not interactive beyond that.


Same for the Columbus Fire Department. It was really weird being in a room by yourself talking to a video camera.

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Same for the Columbus Fire Department. It was really weird being in a room by yourself talking to a video camera.

I found myself laughing a few times. But I think they understand its awkard and only do it to throw you off and see how you respond vs. simply seeing how you truly are going to respond to the situation your presented with.

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the BPAD test...my buddy was telling me a little about it, and i searched youtube and found a few examples of it. he said its really there to weed out the idiots. he was talking about one i saw on youtube where a womans baby died, and you have to get the baby from her and preserve the scene...he said one guy said some shit like "oh you're still young and good looking, you can have another kid, the baby wasn't even that old so you didnt have much time to get very attached to it"




he was saying when you take it, youre supposed to talk directly to it, and not be like "well, this is what i would say". you just have to say it like you're talking to a person infront of you. but he said it can be a little tricky because you can't ask the video a question because its not going to respond to you.


i wonder if they have that for a dispatch position...hmm.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You would have to be retarded to fail this test. Dont worry about it.


well, call me retarded...apparently, i failed the exam...i was honestly a bit shocked. i didnt think id be the highest scoring, but i sure didnt think i failed...heres the email i got....


Dear Evan: Thank you for participating in the 2011 Whitehall Police Officer Entrance Exam held on Saturday, January 22, 2011. As certified by the Civil Service Commission on Thursday, February 10, 2011, this letter is to notify you of your scores.


These results are final.


We are sorry to inform you that you have failed to achieve the minimum passing score of 69.5% on each component. Due to the failing of either the Human Relations or Reading component, your written portion was not scored.


Test Section: Human Relations Percentage Score: 68.52%


Test Section: Reading- Version A Percentage Score: 90.91%


Test Section: Report Writing Percentage Score: 0.00%


Total: 68.52%


so the "human relations" section is section where its, heres a scenario, pick the best response. apparently, i didnt pick enough "best responses". reading obviously wasnt bad, and i dont think writing was bad, but i wont know since they didnt score it.


but to those who said "its basic HS stuff" and "general knowledge"...not at all. that whole section was pretty specific to the job, and what would be the best way to respond...that practice test/study guide i paid $18 for was bullshit. 6 scenarios.


heres to hoping the test i have to take next friday goes a little better!

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and you get a 0 for reading...because i didnt score high enough to pass that one section, they didnt even grade me on the writing section.


Due to the failing of either the Human Relations or Reading component, your written portion was not scored.
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If you try again go to the library and search civil service police testing. When I took Reynoldsburg's police exam years ago it was very close to what the books had in them.


I also took Columbus and sitting in front of the video talking to myself was a new experience. I probably did horrible on that part of it. The test wasn't bad at all.


I would like more info on a dispatchers job if you have any.

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the posting was only open for 7 days from 1/3 to 1/10 and i got the email to take the exam about a week after it closed...im definitely going to hit the library and see if theres anything that'll help me on this one, since it seems like probably a better fit than the officer position...they sent me this info in the email about the test for CPD dispatch...


The total administration of this examination will take approximately 1 1/2 hours to complete (this includes check-in and instructions). This test consists of a computerized job simulation exam weighted 100% covering Call Summarization, Decision Making, Cross Referencing, Memory Recall, Data Entry, and Prioritization. Candidates must achieve 4000 keystrokes per hour (KPH) on the data entry subtests in order to have their test graded.


The Civil Service Commission provides information on How to prepare for an exam, along with some Test Taking Strategies, under Employment Information Guide on our website at http://www.csc.columbus.gov. It may be to your advantage to review this material before taking the test.


then theres a bigger section on "what to expect"

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took the columbus one today...was going through it, thought i was absolutely smoking the test, and the final section was memorizing random numbers and letters, and i'd be thrilled if i got 2/10 of them right...hopefully i did well enough on the rest of the test to keep my score up. lol
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took the columbus one today...was going through it, thought i was absolutely smoking the test, and the final section was memorizing random numbers and letters, and i'd be thrilled if i got 2/10 of them right...hopefully i did well enough on the rest of the test to keep my score up. lol


I work right across the hall from the CPD dispatch center. I'm on the CFD side (I'm an alternate dispatcher), and it's a tough job no doubt. They handle some tough calls in huge volumes. We average 700-800 calls a day on the fire side and actually around 500+ actual runs a day. I'd say CPD averages 2K + calls a day if not more.


Good Luck and maybe I'll see you up there some day.

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