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GTA teaches kid to drive


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Grand Theft Auto teaches 6-year-old to drive

Just what are children learning when exposed to violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto? How to drive, according to one Virginia 6-year-old.


The Associated Press is reporting that the child missed the bus to school Monday morning, and so decided to take his family's Ford Taurus instead. The boy made it almost six miles before crashing into an embankment and utility pole just a mile-and-a-half shy of the school. He suffered only minor injuries, and a county sheriff told the news agency that the determined boy began walking the rest of the way to school after the crash.

According to the report, the boy told police that he had learned to drive by playing unspecified games in the Grand Theft Auto and Monster Jam series.

The boy's mother was asleep when he took the car keys, police said, and both parents are charged with child endangerment. Both the boy and his 4-year-old brother were placed in protective custody.


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good find. this is some funny shit. just imagine if he made it too school. take the other 6 year olds out for lunch. skip school and just drive around. man they are learning at a much younger age these days. lol

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