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Crazy People Finding site


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So my gf showed me this and I typed in my name and then clicked the state and showed where i grew up at my parents house their names, property value and all that good stuff. Kinda creepy and I know its all public record but still crazy none the less. Just popped in a few people at work and asked if they grew up on such a such street lol



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Yawn...worthless info.


Says both my wife and I are single. Doesn't know our ages. Has our home values below what the auditor says and Zillow says, which both are less than what we could easily sell it for (Zillow says our neighbor's house is 25k less than what it recently sold for, and it was only on the market for a couple of days).


Doesn't know our age, hobbies or any other info either. Couldn't find any of my brothers, and the info for my Dad was his general age, a low number on his house, and his hobbies are travel and cooking - he never cooks and doesn't travel that much.


For my mom, it knew her general age. Has her house over estimated by a lot.


My wife is listed a 2nd time at the condo she hasn't had in a while - with an accurate value, and a phone number from god knows where.


Overall, that isn't an overly useful site.

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