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Arizona residents tell church to fuck off


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this might be a littlw rong to say, but ya know, after reading that and one ofthem saying that soldiers deaths are a result of tollerance to homosexuality, i almost hope one of them or a family member gets murdered so we can see what they have to say the reason behind it was...
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this might be a littlw rong to say, but ya know, after reading that and one ofthem saying that soldiers deaths are a result of tollerance to homosexuality, i almost hope one of them or a family member gets murdered so we can see what they have to say the reason behind it was...


Everyone gets theirs in the end and there will be an accountability.

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I can't help thinking that the only thing that might piss these psychos off would be to create a website/foundation/group called "WBC Supports FAGS!!!" and picket their demonstrations as such. I feel like they'd be incited to violence if every meeting of their church was hounded by "WBC is a secret FAG harboring organization" protests and we could finally lock them up or something.
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I wouldn't be all that surprised to read that the hells angels just mow the entire church down with AKs and glocks. Once they are all dead we won't have to hear about this cult anymore.


I have been thinking it's only a matter of time before someone takes one for the team and rids us of these fools. I don't care how much of a weak minded bunch of cult fucks they are - you don't do disrespectful shit like picketing funerals of veterans and kids with "God Hates You", etc. I'm amazed they've hung around this long.

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I have been thinking it's only a matter of time before someone takes one for the team and rids us of these fools. I don't care how much of a weak minded bunch of cult fucks they are - you don't do disrespectful shit like picketing funerals of veterans and kids with "God Hates You", etc. I'm amazed they've hung around this long.


well there was a retired military guy who is handicapped due to injuries sustained in combat who was arrested for stalking the church members with multiple loaded weapons in his car; furthermore, the psycho daughter of the minister is apparently a lawyer.


but see my above post. i'd gladly help start a "wbclovesfags.com" in any way i can.

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I don't understand how this little girl has anything to do with homosexuality or idolatry.


Another article I read stated the reason they were going to picket her funeral is because her family is Roman Catholic. Not that it makes it any better or makes any sense, just that was their reason FYI.

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well there was a retired military guy who is handicapped due to injuries sustained in combat who was arrested for stalking the church members with multiple loaded weapons in his car; furthermore, the psycho daughter of the minister is apparently a lawyer.


but see my above post. i'd gladly help start a "wbclovesfags.com" in any way i can.


11 of his 13 kids are lawyers. I can't say i'm surprised that they would pick this event to protest, they seem to gravitate to these sort of occassions. It's disgusting.

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