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Arizona residents tell church to fuck off


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I'd love to see a them show up on a street of Mexico beheaded.


I would love to see someone beat them at their own game. Since they are hiding behind our laws of free speach, I think it would be just the thing if some lawyer or accountant went at them legally and were able to shut them down through the system they are trying to take advantage of. There was a father of a soldier who was killed who sued them and won, but that decision is being fought over right now. If it sticks it would probably shut them down for good.

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I wouldn't be all that surprised to read that the hells angels just mow the entire church down with AKs and glocks. Once they are all dead we won't have to hear about this cult anymore.


Hopefully they'll do it with fertilizer and kerosene so that the liberals don't have another 'event' to try to create more gun control.:bangbang:

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Anyone who would picket at the funeral of a 9 year-old girl is a waste of human life.

The funeral will be publicised and any opportunity these people have of being seen either in a picture or having a subsequant news article related to them, is seen as a victory in their eyes. Associating themselves with this poor little girls funeral gives them the publicty they seek to further their propaganda.

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I read that because the family of the 9 YO is Catholic, that is why they are allegedly going to picket. I don't think they have the balls. They have been skipping the last few they talked about. Of course nobody can go crazy and shoot them.


Speaking of skipping the last few... This touches on what I was just thinking about. How in the hell are they funded? Granted, it's been quite some time since looking into the assholes lives, so maybe I've forgotten. But how in the hell are they able to afford to constantly travel to all thse places and protest? The church is supposedly all family, so somebody's toting some cash.

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Have you guys read about this guy, Fred Phelps, leader of the WBC?



WTF? This guys life path is crazy. And the way his family follows is cult-like. Imagine marrying into that family or being in that family and trying to do something other than the path they want you to.

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probably because 4chan is full of people who would gladly picket a 9 year old's funeral for the lulz


actually 4chan has quite the heart and has ruined many peoples lives based on crappy things they have done and this is right up their alley ;)


I heard that the church didnt attend because a bunch of biker gangs threatened to surround them if they did protest lol, glad someone stepped up

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actually 4chan has quite the heart and has ruined many peoples lives based on crappy things they have done and this is right up their alley ;)


I heard that the church didnt attend because a bunch of biker gangs threatened to surround them if they did protest lol, glad someone stepped up


yeah, and remember that psycho dad who said he was gonna send the cyber police in that famous youtube rant? thats cuz the people with "quite the heart" were sending death threats to his 12 year old daughter's house.


there's things that Anon/4chan does that i like, and things that i don't like. i'd love for them to rally against WBC but WBC need to provoke it. maybe someone should send them a link showing that 4chan supports gay porn or something

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One of these days, one of the male protesters is going to lean forward, believing he's righteous and can hide behind the church's lawyers, and poke one of those bikers in the chest.


At that point, no one will be able to stop the killing of that protester and probably a few others.


The police will run in to try and break it up, but they will likely take their time. A few of the bikers will be arrested. The church's lawyers will get them sent to prison. The bikers will be treated like kings there, and let out in a few years on good behavior.

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I have promised myself to help any local family that these assholes target in any way I monetarily or physically am able to.

This +1. I've already vowed to myself if I learn of a funeral these asshats are coming to in Ohio I've got a ski mask and a can of whoopass on tap.

I heard that the church didnt attend because a bunch of biker gangs threatened to surround them if they did protest lol, glad someone stepped up

Is this true? If so that is awesome.

I read that because the family of the 9 YO is Catholic, that is why they are allegedly going to picket. I don't think they have the balls. ...
Bunch of retards. Kinda hope they did. ..cuz us Catholics know nothing about getting into brawls... :rollseyes
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Have you guys read about this guy, Fred Phelps, leader of the WBC?



WTF? This guys life path is crazy. And the way his family follows is cult-like. Imagine marrying into that family or being in that family and trying to do something other than the path they want you to.




Phelps graduated high school at age 16 and was admitted to West Point.[9] After attending a Methodist revival meeting, Phelps decided to become a minister and chose not to attend West Point.


Biggest mistake of his life and those who follow him.


While at John Muir, Phelps was profiled in Time magazine for preaching against "sins committed on campus by students and teachers ... promiscuous petting ... evil language ... profanity ... cheating ... teachers' filthy jokes in classrooms ... [and] pandering to the lusts of the flesh."[13] Phelps met his future wife, Margie M. Simms at the Arizona Bible Institute in October of 1951 and married her in May of 1952.


Nice, long courting going on there.


In an appeal, Phelps prepared affidavits swearing to the court that he had eight witnesses whose testimony would convince the court to rule in his favor. Brady, in turn, obtained sworn, signed affidavits from the eight people in question, all of whom said that Phelps had never contacted them and that they had no reason to testify against Brady. Phelps had committed perjury.




Despite Phelps' claims of being a Primitive Baptist, he was ordained by a Southern Baptist church and is rejected and generally condemned by Primitive Baptists.


Even they don't want him.


I stopped reading here. Jim Jones II if you ask me.

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