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CTS opinions??!!


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I like them a lot. I've driven a 3.6L DI, 3.0L DI, and a 6.2L V. I see a lot of them on the roads up here in Michigan in the winter (even a few V's) and most have no problem. A guy in know in Ontario just put snow tires on his 3.6L DI AWD and it obviously handles the snow great. GM get's an A on this one, My only complaint was that the passanger side floor pan has a bulge by the center tunnel (guessing it's for the AWD transfer case) which takes away from the pass. leg room. My wife disapproved because of this. Not sure if that's only a feature of the AWD's or if it's in the RWD's too (since when I drove the RWD's I didn't have a passanger, and didn't care to sit over there).
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You have a Gm tech telling you not to buy a certain motor + You want to buy a v6 car then mod it = Bad Idea (always slow + hurts resale value as most old people that drive caddys don't want a modded car) + Non v's will drop in value faster.

It is your $ for sure but ....

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wait till you can afford a low mileage cts-v. if you're looking for something with good winter driveability, a rwd car is probably not your answer. don't think they make cts's with awd, maybe i'm wrong?? i'd listen to the gm technician in this thread.
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  kirks5oh said:
wait till you can afford a low mileage cts-v. if you're looking for something with good winter driveability, a rwd car is probably not your answer. don't think they make cts's with awd, maybe i'm wrong?? i'd listen to the gm technician in this thread.


The CTS4 is AWD.

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Is your $16k budget including predicted costs of maintenance? If you're looking at a premium brand like Cadillac, you're looking at something with higher miles which = maintenance costs early on. With that budget, I'd look at something on a used or Certified Pre-Owned lot that has few miles and is only 2-3 years old, since as a recent graduate you don't have as much of a cushion should something catastrophic go wrong.


Think about this car purchase not as something that you want now, but something that you want in 3 years. If you buy an early model CTS now, its going to have lots of miles. In several years, what will that car be to you?

Will it still have the appeal it has today?

Will it be worth $16k? Will it even be worth $10k, since it'll certainly be over 100k miles? How much money are you going to have to sink into it after the initial purchase?

How much do parts cost on a 6-7 year old premium car as opposed to a 2-3 year old midrange car?


For instance, we've got an '09 Ford Taurus Limited in our Certified Pre-Owned inventory. I will not post price to try to keep this from being a pimping thread, but mods edit this if necessary; I just wanna give some perspective on other cars that are out there. This car is a short way out of your price range but has a lot of very nice features that compare to a $16k CTS, but in 3 years this car will still be under Certified warranty (unless you drive 20k+ miles/yr). That means you're going to have to spend minimal money beyond the initial purchase. I'm not at all suggesting that this is the car for you, but the point is that there ARE very nice vehicles out there within your price range that will give you a whole lot more reliability and will GUARANTEE that you spend less in the long run.

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  BLU BIRD said:
I'm getting a car when I graduate and a cts is at the top of my list. I want to know opinions on then as far as reliability, mpgs, problem years, and most importantly winter diving capabilities. Any help is appreciated!!



Re-reading this thread and noting the following:


  • Soon to be young grad
  • $16k Budget
  • No mods as it's a DD'er
  • MPG's, reliability and winter driving are points of concern


The above doesn't equate to you buying any CTS. Personally, get a really nice used TSX/Accord or equiv. daily that will be reliable, drive well all year, has a manual tranny available if so desired, has creature features you'll like, and won't own you in terms of payments, insuracne or repairs.


Work a couple years, save some money, then go for a nicer car. Remember, you'll be in your first real job, not your last. It's just a car.....besides fun with friends and chicks at such a young age is more fun than a $16k used Caddy.


- dad

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my buddy has an 05 or 06 cts its pretty base and has had lots of little issues. its slow, handling sucks (if u are looking for a sporty ride) and mpg aint great oh and he has to work from home every time it snows bc it is useless traction wise in the snow..
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