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Verizon Fail


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I am trying to either upgrade my plan and phone or purchase new phones for 2 lines on my account. This is the conversation I just had with sales/support.

Information in bold, italic, underline was omitted for privacy, everything else is just as the chat log read.



Please hold for a Verizon Wireless sales representative to assist you with your order. Thank you for your patience.


A Verizon Wireless online pre-sales specialist has joined the chat. You are now chatting with Chiquita


Chiquita: Hello. Thank you for visiting our chat service. May I help you with your order today?


Chiquita: Hello. How may I assist you?


T.J.: Can I buy a Droid 2 CPO without a plan?


Chiquita: I will be happy to assist you with if you will be able to purchase the pre owned Droid 2 without a plan.


Chiquita: Are you referring to the data feature T.J.?


T.J.: No the phone itself


Chiquita: You would need to purchase the Droid 2 with a plan. It is not able to purchased without a plan.


T.J.: Are any of the smartphones available without buying a plan?


Chiquita: T.J. with all smartphones they require the data feature to be added. There is no way to purchase a smartphone without a data feature.


T.J.: I have the data feature


Chiquita: However we do offer a feature phones. Where a data feature is not required. How will that work for you T.J.


T.J.: I have a family plan and unlimited data for both lines. I need a phone


Chiquita: You are already an existing customer right>


T.J.: yes


T.J.: I have been for almost 10 years


Chiquita: So you are wanting to upgrade and get a new phone? What is your mobile number T.J?


T.J.: I don't want to upgrade. I like the plan I have. I want to buy a phone that is all.


Chiquita: Yes I understand. When you upgrade you only purchase a phone. You will keep the same plan you currently have.


Chiquita: What is your mobile number ?


T.J.: ##########


Chiquita: Thank You. One moment T.J.


Chiquita: Could you please verify your first and last name. With the billing password please?


T.J.: First Last Code

Chiquita: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you.


Chiquita: Okay. The #### is the line that is eligible for an upgrade to get a new phone. You would need to log into your My Verizon account as the primary account holder. I will be more than happy to assist you with the order process.


T.J.: I want to buy a phone for both lines. If I upgrade online I have to sign a new 2 year contract. I have already tried that and it is not what I want.


Chiquita: Without upgrading your lines on the account. If you just purchase a phone a plan is going to need to be purchased. The device will not be able to be ordered with a plan.


T.J.: So what your saying is you would rather I spent my money with someone else? I can buy phones all day long without a plan and activate them on Verizon but you won't sell me a phone?


Chiquita: That is what I am not saying. It is just that there is not a way to just purchase a phone by itself without having to select a plan.


T.J.: I have a plan. If I select a new plan I cannot get the same service without paying at least $30 more per month. I can buy a phone anywhere else but Verizon and then activate it on Verizon's network. Help me to understand this.


Chiquita: I will be more than happy to help you understand. You want to order a phone right but you do not want to use your upgrade to renew your contract for another two years right? Because the #### is the only line eligible for an upgrade at this time right?


T.J.: I don't want to upgrade because I cannot keep the same plan. If you can offer me a plan with 700 minutes, unlimited text and unlimited data for BOTH lines under $106 pre tax, I will be interested.


Chiquita: Please hold on while I check that information.


Chiquita: With your current plan. At this time we are not offering a plan similar. However you do have a monthly discount on your monthly plan. Another solution to order a phone. You would need to pay full retail price for the phone on a month to month contract. Then activate the phone to your exiting lines.


T.J.: So I would have to pay 2 months service (I need 2 phones) AND full price to get a new phone OR I can simply spend my money with another company and save at least the 2 months service/activation/etc? How much is full price for a Droid 2 CPO?


Chiquita: The Droid 2 at full retail price is $559.99 .Because if you order the Droid 2 at the two year price you will begin a new two year contract.


T.J.: So I can pay $559.99 x2 (2 phones) plus $64.99 x2 (need a plan for each phone)plus fees and activation or I can buy the phones for $299.99 each off of Amazon or any other website. Am I understanding this correctly


Chiquita: Yes that is correct.


T.J.: So like I said Verizon wants me to spend my money somewhere else. It would be STUPID to pay twice as much per phone PLUS all the other fees would it not?


Chiquita: Yes and I understand T.J and I do apologize about the prices of the pre owned Droid 2.


T.J.: That is the price for a pre-owned Droid?!?! Twice as much for a used one? How much is a new one?


Chiquita: The full retail price for a pre owned Droid 2 is the same as a new Droid 2.


T.J.: So why would anyone buy a pre-owned one? Is it just me or does all of Verizon's logic seem to be backwards?


Chiquita: The pre owned devices are cheaper than the new phone at two year price.


T.J.: So I cannot upgrade my phone without upgrading my contract. Upgrading my contract requires me to pay more for the same service I currently have. They are doing away with New Every Two and I cannot buy a phone for less then twice the price I can buy it anywhere else? Is there anything that you can do to convince a 10 year customer to spend my money with you at a reasonable rate?


Chiquita: Please hold on while I check that information.


Chiquita: Yes that is correct. With being a web chat sales representative I am only limited to a certain amount of access. You would need to upgrade your phone to get the Droid 2 pre owned device at the online price. With the plan you currently have we no longer offer the plan. So you would need to upgrade.


Chiquita: I can see how you may feel that our plans are expensive. Others that I have chatted with felt this way as well. What they have found was that with our plans, the receive the best coverage nationwide and they also receive great service through Verizon when they are in areas that do not have Verizon towers, so it is worth every penny. Wouldn't you like to have great coverage wherever you go?


T.J.: I would like to have great coverage but, in national studies Verizon does not rate the highest. In addition I do not care to pay twice the retail price for a phone plus 2 months usage, activation and fees just to get those phones. Thank you for your time, I will purchase my phone from another retailer and still enjoy the same service I have now at a lower price then you can offer me.


Chiquita: You are more than Welcome. I am glad I was able to assist with information on purchasing a pre owned Droid 2. Is there going to be anything else I can assist you with today?


T.J.: Nope. Have a good night.


Chiquita: You are more than Welcome T.J.


Chiquita: Thank you for visiting Verizon Wireless, I look forward to speaking with you again. Have a great evening!


Your chat session has been ended by your Verizon Wireless online agent.

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You shouldn't have to change your plan to upgrade. You should be grandfathered in. Signing a new 2 year contract should not change your bill or anything else.


I cannot sign a new 2 year contract on the same plan because my plan is no longer offered. I have 700 minutes Unlimited Text and Unlimited Data for $99.99 add a second line for $9.99 and Unlimited Data on the second line for $9.99. Add in my 15% discount and it comes to $105 and change pre tax. The cheapest you can get that for now is supposedly $147 and change according to the local store.

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If you are on the old connect or premium plans that included data you can activate a smartphone, or any phone really onto the secondary line without changing your plan. You would still have to pay for the data plan either 15 or 30 depending on which one you wanted.
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They wouldn't let me activate my smart phones on my account on my old premium plan. They told me since the plan wasn't for smart phones (I had feature phones) and that I would have to change my plan to the new plan with smart phone data plan. That was like a year ago.
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If you try to upgrade anywhere that's directly linked to Verizon (where you have to enter your number) its going to make you change your plan before the order goes through. If you upgrade online you will notice there is a step to make sure the plan is compatible with the phone. That's the point where is recognizes an outdated plan and forces a change to proceed.


Think about it this way, the plan was discontinued for a reason. If it wouldn't cause for an adverse change it would have already been taken from you. Since that would result in many customers jumping ship it was grandfathered instead. At this point you are locked into that plan until you make a change. Luckily these days you can buy at a discount from millions of other places so its not as big of a deal as it used to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So my Verizon phone went to piss today. Literally. Anyway I understand from this thread that it is impossible to activate a new device without changing plans.... and all of Verizon's new plans BLOW compared to what I had. I think I am going to switch over to Sprint, and have a smaller bill yet more features. Fuck Verizon.


I don't see where to cancel service on Verizon's website though. Does anyone else know how to do so online?


EDIT: I searched more and found out that you can only cancel service through a CS call. However, sending a number port request from another carrier will terminate service as well, so bye bye Verizon.

Edited by Furloaf
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So my Verizon phone went to piss today. Literally. Anyway I understand from this thread that it is impossible to activate a new device without changing plans.... and all of Verizon's new plans BLOW compared to what I had. I think I am going to switch over to Sprint, and have a smaller bill yet more features. Fuck Verizon.


I don't see where to cancel service on Verizon's website though. Does anyone else know how to do so online?


EDIT: I searched more and found out that you can only cancel service through a CS call. However, sending a number port request from another carrier will terminate service as well, so bye bye Verizon.


Is there anything you are unhappy about with Verizon or just some trouble with your phone? Have you called them to see what options you have? Doesn't sound like Verizon's fault your phone isn't working and you may want to give them a chance to fix it.

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GSM...buy new phone, pop in SIM card, done. No "activating devices", no limitations. Verizon does have the worst customer service, slow ass network (relatively speaking) and over priced. Only good thing is that they do have the best coverage if your're out in BFE.


I <3 T-Mobile

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change plans for a new phone? i am on the same plan i signed up for 5+ years ago when i had a basic flip phone. i dont think it even had a camera on it. then i got a razr after 2 years, and when i got my HTC incredible in july, i just added the data plan. same basic plan though, 450 min, 500 out of network texts, unlimited in calling/text, and its $39.99/yr. they *may* have changed the name of it, but its still the same thing


go into the store and let them deal with it...2x when i went in (once for my razr, 2nd to renew my plan and get my g/f an env2) and they tried to say "oh, your old plan is no longer available, we have to put you on this more expensive plan", i basically told them fuck that, im not switching plans and if they couldnt keep me on it, i wasn't going to change anything or buy a new phone. AMAZINGLY they were able to keep it

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GSM...buy new phone, pop in SIM card, done. No "activating devices", no limitations. Verizon does have the worst customer service, slow ass network (relatively speaking) and over priced. Only good thing is that they do have the best coverage if your're out in BFE.


I <3 T-Mobile


Just out of curiosity.. how do you know its horrible when you have been preaching about t-mobile for years? Do you call in and do your own survey every few weeks? Probably not but here is someone that does.




Do more searching and you will find very similar results. JD power > you, no arguing that. When you have that many customers its almost too easy to find individuals that have issues. If you had the service I could see you complaining... but thats like me saying tmobile customer service sucks (when I dont have any reason to call them) just because I have 2 friends with tmoble phones.




Furloaf.. You seriously may want to call. You cant cancel accounts online for a reason, and you dont sound like you know all of your options.

Edited by V8 Beast
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Just out of curiosity.. how do you know its horrible when you have been preaching about t-mobile for years? Do you call in and do your own survey every few weeks? Probably not but here is someone that does.




Do more searching and you will find very similar results. JD power > you, no arguing that. If you had the service I could see you complaining... but thats like me saying tmobile customer service sucks when I dont have any reason to calll them just because I have 2 friends with tmoblie phones.


I've used verizon many times, talked to their customer service many times, been inside their stores many times, used their phones many times.


JD power can suck it, my personal experience > some critic who bases his findings off asking consumers. Most consumers are idiots.


Either way, swapping SIM cards is much easier than having to buy a verizon only phone and then having to have someone there activate it.

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I've used verizon many times, talked to their customer service many times, been inside their stores many times, used their phones many times.


JD power can suck it, my personal experience > some critic who bases his findings off asking consumers. Most consumers are idiots.


Either way, swapping SIM cards is much easier than having to buy a verizon only phone and then having to have someone there activate it.


Who else are you suppose to ask if you cant ask the idiots using the service :lol: Oh, you can activate your own phone without having to have the store or person do it. Been a while since you have interacted with Verizon huh...


Either way if speed or sim cards are the issue they will be solved in a few weeks with LTE.

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Who else are you suppose to ask if you cant ask the idiots using the service :lol: Oh, you can activate your own phone without having to have the store or person do it. Been a while since you have interacted with Verizon huh...


Either way if speed or sim cards are the issue they will be solved in a few weeks with LTE.


It's been a while since I had to activate one, I know you can call in or something but still requires approval, and I like to do whatever I want with something I purchased, which is also where my dislike of the iphone comes in.


LTE adds major cool points to verizon.

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It's been a while since I had to activate one, I know you can call in or something but still requires approval, and I like to do whatever I want, which is also where my dislike of the iphone comes in.


LTE adds major cool points to verizon.


Its not as easy as a sim card, but you call a number and it automatically activates your phone. All you have to do is enter the account password and the network does the rest.


Not sure about the cool points yet. Aircards work good, but phones are tbd. Could be a huge failboat so I'll wait to see then in action. You know the rule about being the first to test something out lol. 3g is cool with me, but I only surf forums and text on my phone for the most part. Between having netbooks and tabets to use I almost hate using my phone now :(


P.S the moto xoom is effing badass!!!!

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Yeah the xoom does look cool. Altough, LG just released specs on their G-Slate (on T-Mobile :D), 3D recording and playback, along with dual core, "4G", and all the other goodies.


Here's another nifty thing you can do with GSM and SIM cards, some James Bond/terrorist shit.


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My phone failing was no fault of Verizon, it actually has been nearly flawless since I've had it. I stated that my phone literally went to piss because I knocked it off the towel rack into the toilet, right after I took a good 90 second morning piss. I meant to grab the phone and flush the toilet on my way out.


I can't call Verizon as my phone doesn't receive any signal. It was a basic voice & crappy text phone, that was free with contract - so I don't care about it.


Verizon has changed their policies lately. They are (quickly) phasing out NewEvery2, txting is only unlimited with other Verizon phones now, all comparable plans have increased in price / or have less features for the same price, etc. I sent and received over 2000 txts last month with out of network phones. I'm not paying an increase of $20/month to retain that service. Verizon seems to me to be adopting policies and prices that are less consumer friendly, and more about trapping business.


None of the new phones Verizon carries are that attractive to me, either. I discovered I'll get a heftier discount with Sprint through being an Alliant credit union member. Verizon's signal isn't that consistent in Cincinnati, and from what I've asked people that have Sprint, it seems to be more consistent.

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She is only as dumb as Verizon. She was just doing her job in accordance with Verizon's policies. I'm willing to bet she was as dumbfounded as the OP, but her job is to represent Verizon and adhere to their policies, while being helpful, polite, and friendly... which she did.
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