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Here we go again! PART: II


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More gun control is on it's way, unfortunately. Obama will be speaking to this directly within the next two weeks... buy your toys now.


And not a single bit of it will make it through. Dems know this is suicide. Obama knows it's suicide. The only thing this will do is jack the prices up again. :mad:

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I laugh daily about how hard our country tries to tell us what to do and how to live our lives. It is so funny and many times their excuse is that it is for our own good. Last time I checked taking away the rights of your citizens is no way shape or form going to improve or better our country. Now if people were properly educated we wouldnt have alot of these problems. Its funny that most violent crimes are done by the hands of the uneducated. I have said it before and Ill say it again guns dont kill people stupid people kill people, however, our tree huggers that we have in office that "want to change the world" do not understand this and they look to the easiest root to the problem. I said it before and Ill say this again as well, you elimate the bad seeds ie gang members and the uneducated from the inner cities gun crimes will go down dramatically and our country will be a better safer place. I suggested viglantie justice at one point in a past discussion and Ill bring it up again, this is what is going to work. Give them a taste of their own medicine and wipe the streets clean. Anyone with gang affliation on every street corner in every major city just wipe them out and once this cultural cleansing has taken place our country will be better off and up and coming indeviduals that would usually be drawn to the life style that promotes gun violence will be drawn away from it for fear of the outcome. I say this because aparently prison and jail is not enough fear because to them going to prison is just a high school get together where they get to see their homies that have moved away.....
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And not a single bit of it will make it through. Dems know this is suicide. Obama knows it's suicide. The only thing this will do is jack the prices up again. :mad:


I hope you are right, but I'm not so certain. We'll find out what he's thinking very soon...

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once this cultural cleansing has taken place our country will be better off


Congrats, Herr Führer, you made my sig.


I do agree with what you said about education. However, its much easier to improve education but impossible to do so without significant spending and TAXING THE PUBLIC. Unfortunately, the uneducated public is given the right to vote just as much as the educated public, and frankly, idiots outnumber educated people in this country. The idiots have been told their entire lives that education is worthless government expense and that if the government stayed out of their lives they'd be doing just fine. Therefore they'll never support increased taxes because they're so fucking stupid they can't see that they will benefit based on where that tax money gets spent.

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Congrats, Herr Führer, you made my sig.


I do agree with what you said about education. However, its much easier to improve education but impossible to do so without significant spending and TAXING THE PUBLIC. Unfortunately, the uneducated public is given the right to vote just as much as the educated public, and frankly, idiots outnumber educated people in this country. The idiots have been told their entire lives that education is worthless government expense and that if the government stayed out of their lives they'd be doing just fine. Therefore they'll never support increased taxes because they're so fucking stupid they can't see that they will benefit based on where that tax money gets spent.


See I thought the "No child is left behind" idea that Bush brought up years ago was a great idea and a step towards the betterment of our country but that got thrown out the window really fast when we decided that OIL was more important than our nations youth or the betterment or our nation in general and look where we are now. Were stuck over in a country fighting a war that we will never get ourselves out of. Such a waste of resources that could be used to help our country instead of what we are doing now which is trying to change a country that we have no business changing.... As far as the Hitler idea I wont lie with all the resurch I have done about him over the years I will say the man at his core was a genious and he organised a country better than just about any other leader ever has. He had alot of brillant ideas and tactics to get to his overall goal, however, his overall goal was just to extreme. I am not for the elimation of any races and I am not racist. I do believe in sterotypes because they wouldnt be out there if they were not generally true. I am an equal oppertunity hater. I am for the elimition of the bottom feeders of our country that is bringing it down on a day to day basis and doing nothing more than just bringing more evil into our society.

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I am for the elimition of the bottom feeders of our country that is bringing it down on a day to day basis and doing nothing more than just bringing more evil into our society.


I understand what you're saying, but the so-called bottom feeders are what make America the country it is today. America was founded on the belief that even the bottom feeders are useful to society, given the right support. Thomas Edison was a dropout, a poor kid who scraped by probably doing slightly less heroic things than history would lead you to believe, but was nonetheless pivotal to the history of the world. Walt Disney was piss poor as a result of his father not being very good at anything and constantly relying on his brothers, but Disney was able to overcome that.


The U.S. has gone from a nation of "haves" and "have nots" to a nation of "have enoughs" and "don't deserves", and the "have enoughs" have a pretty bad entitlement issue. I call them the "have enoughs" because they have enough to make a decent living, but they feel that the "don't deserves" are keeping them from having more. Instead of wanting to increase the welfare of others less fortunate, we have become a population whose solution to [almost] everything is to cut out the people or things which bring down the average instead of trying to collectively increase the average.

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I understand what you're saying, but the so-called bottom feeders are what make America the country it is today. America was founded on the belief that even the bottom feeders are useful to society, given the right support. Thomas Edison was a dropout, a poor kid who scraped by probably doing slightly less heroic things than history would lead you to believe, but was nonetheless pivotal to the history of the world. Walt Disney was piss poor as a result of his father not being very good at anything and constantly relying on his brothers, but Disney was able to overcome that.


The U.S. has gone from a nation of "haves" and "have nots" to a nation of "have enoughs" and "don't deserves", and the "have enoughs" have a pretty bad entitlement issue. I call them the "have enoughs" because they have enough to make a decent living, but they feel that the "don't deserves" are keeping them from having more. Instead of wanting to increase the welfare of others less fortunate, we have become a population whose solution to [almost] everything is to cut out the people or things which bring down the average instead of trying to collectively increase the average.

Oh this I can defently understand as well. It seems you have used that amazing education that you recieved at the same fine institute that I graduated from to look outside the box to look for answers. Now let me clarify that when I say bottom feeders I am not going after the ones that need help from or government and what not. I am more speaking about the bloods, MS13's, ect ect that promote violence and are nothing more than bringing down our inner cities. Usually these are the people that also commit these hanis acts of violence on the innocent just so they can feel like they are a bad ass gangster. These are the people that I have problems with and wish to elimate. These people are nothing more than pure evil. Also the people you stated above are exceptions to the norm. Basic stats show that for every Mr Disney, there will be hundreds actually thousands that achieve nothing and will continue to waste tax payers dollars being shacked up in our over crowded prision system getting a free ride on us. I say f that. Its time to wipe the slate clean and start over fresh because what we are doing now is not working.
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Oh this I can defently understand as well. It seems you have used that amazing education that you recieved at the same fine institute that I graduated from to look outside the box to look for answers. Now let me clarify that when I say bottom feeders I am not going after the ones that need help from or government and what not. I am more speaking about the bloods, MS13's, ect ect that promote violence and are nothing more than bringing down our inner cities. Usually these are the people that also commit these hanis acts of violence on the innocent just so they can feel like they are a bad ass gangster. These are the people that I have problems with and wish to elimate. These people are nothing more than pure evil. Also the people you stated above are exceptions to the norm. Basic stats show that for every Mr Disney, there will be hundreds actually thousands that achieve nothing and will continue to waste tax payers dollars being shacked up in our over crowded prision system getting a free ride on us. I say f that. Its time to wipe the slate clean and start over fresh because what we are doing now is not working.


well there's not a whole lot i can disagree with in there

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well there's not a whole lot i can disagree with in there

Ahha hopefully you will be another faithful follower in the cultural cleansing of the United States. Now I just have to get my word out there to the masses and generate enough following for my plan to start taking shape. The fear that would be injected into the minds of want a be gansters will be enough of a deterant to keep them from wanting to join the set groups that I will be after. And I mean every gang here, every last one of them. If they want to act like the uneducated and barbarians that they are it is time for them to be treated like that. I promise you this that 18 year old that would normaly be drawn to the bloods and will pick up that gun will instead stay in school and live a civil lifestyle not dependent on our tax payers dollars to put food in his mouth and keep a roof over his head while he kicks it with his homies behind bars.

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