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Anyone been to the Philippines?


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Best I can say is that it's pretty nutty over there... but in a mostly good way. Rush hour isn't a rush so much as it's a slowly moving parking lot. Everybody I met in Manila had a working understanding of English, though television, radio, and the like is typically done in Tagalog or Taglish (a curious mix of the two... generally Tagalog with English thrown in when there isn't an appropriate native word). The water is clean, except when it isn't. Same for the local foods... most of it is awesome, except the stuff that isn't. Since everybody's tastes are different, what I did and didn't like could be totally different from you. Be suspicious of motive if anybody offers you balut within the first week of your arrival. After that, it's all in good humor ;)


Besides that, the Philippines is a crazy mix of high tech and no tech, filthy rich and filthy poor, all within a stone's throw of everything. You'll see immaculate SUVs driving next to garishly painted jeepneys (anime was a big thing when I was there a couple years back), which itself is in front of a scooter with six people hanging on the rear fender. Most of all, though, enjoy your time there. It's one of those places I'd love to go back to sometime, especially if a vacation to Cebu was on the list :)

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Best I can say is that it's pretty nutty over there... but in a mostly good way. Rush hour isn't a rush so much as it's a slowly moving parking lot. Everybody I met in Manila had a working understanding of English, though television, radio, and the like is typically done in Tagalog or Taglish (a curious mix of the two... generally Tagalog with English thrown in when there isn't an appropriate native word). The water is clean, except when it isn't. Same for the local foods... most of it is awesome, except the stuff that isn't. Since everybody's tastes are different, what I did and didn't like could be totally different from you. Be suspicious of motive if anybody offers you balut within the first week of your arrival. After that, it's all in good humor ;)


Besides that, the Philippines is a crazy mix of high tech and no tech, filthy rich and filthy poor, all within a stone's throw of everything. You'll see immaculate SUVs driving next to garishly painted jeepneys (anime was a big thing when I was there a couple years back), which itself is in front of a scooter with six people hanging on the rear fender. Most of all, though, enjoy your time there. It's one of those places I'd love to go back to sometime, especially if a vacation to Cebu was on the list :)


I think im going to head to boracay for a long weekend or something, i have some vacation days to burn. Yeah i guess ill be in a 4 star hotel which is probably like a 2 or so here. I dont have to worry about a car since ill either have a driver or taxi.


Im sure ill be overwhelmed as soon as i get there. especially after 24 hours of flying if not more.

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I think im going to head to boracay for a long weekend or something, i have some vacation days to burn. Yeah i guess ill be in a 4 star hotel which is probably like a 2 or so here. I dont have to worry about a car since ill either have a driver or taxi.


Im sure ill be overwhelmed as soon as i get there. especially after 24 hours of flying if now


Boracay is the shit. Wait till you see how they drive lol

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No her mother was born there..

her Dad was an officer in the navy.


she would go there to model..

because she was half white half flip.. she did very well


Its not that bad bwhhaha, just like any city you have good and bad. You must be thinking about mexico or something.

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