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Tom Hanks son is a rapper? Lmfao!!


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So I came across this somehow and thought it was pretty funny. Chet Haza aka Chester Hanks is a gangster rapper lol. His dad is Tom Hanks, wtf does this kid know about struggling?




oh and one more played out Wiz remix...white and purple (northwestern university)



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if the freestyle was truly a "freestyle" then it wasn't bad at all


but that white and purple was garbage


i do agree with one of the youtube posters though, he's already better than Gucchi Man and Wakka Flakka

i know that's not saying much though

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Like 99% of rappers know about suffering. Most their shit is made up.


Rap: The Music Spectrum's biggest segment of poseurs.


:rolleyes: Many artists, not only rappers, 'put on a show'. That's their job. They're entertainers. You think Marilyn Manson is truly a dark, baby eating goth in real life? He isn't. I've actually met and spoke with him when I lived in Cali. Do you think half those Disney entertainers live half the wholesome life you're lead to believe until they turn 16 and the news finally lets loose? lol Please.

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:rolleyes: Many artists, not only rappers, 'put on a show'. That's their job. They're entertainers. ....
All true. But I'll posit there's a subtle distinction between performance and posing.


Liberace? Performance. Elton John, Iggy Pop, any number of gay boyband members who fake being teenage girl heartthrobs? Performance.


Milli Vanili? Posers.


I'm still willing to lay money that rap has by far the biggest % of poseurs of any music segment. I'd bet number 2 isn't even close. By that I mean where the performances are manufactured in addition to the "aura" of the performer.


Ironically, although I cant stand country, I'm pretty sure C&W has the lowest.


(Love rap. Can't stand posers, thats all)


Anyone want to get on a bus with me and go ride over to the inventor of AutoTune and give him a huge Melvin?

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Don't believe this is a true freestyle...but I don't care. As far as hip hop artists being posers. I believe ALOT of them are....But I don't listen to alot of them. Here's my favorite freestyle of all time from people who have always been themselves 100% and have turned down record deals so they could make music that they wanted. Slug{of Atmosphere and Eyedea{RIP}



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Don't believe this is a true freestyle...but I don't care. As far as hip hop artists being posers. I believe ALOT of them are....But I don't listen to alot of them. Here's my favorite freestyle of all time from people who have always been themselves 100% and have turned down record deals so they could make music that they wanted. Slug{of Atmosphere and Eyedea{RIP}




atmosphere is always witty!

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That was so bad, I am forced to call it. I know some you guys want to keep going, and that's admirable, but we all saw this coming.








Time of hip hop's death: right when I heard Chet Haze. (removes surgical mask, throws it at wall in disgust upon exit)

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Country: Kid Rock, Darius Rucker....they went from Rap/Rock to country because it sells more then the other 2 right now. Country definitley has posers, its all about doing what sells


At least Kid Rock's music is actually country...


Darius Rucker still sounds like Hootie, and is terrible

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