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I love my Galaxy Tab...


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Well cause the Xoom has a 10.*" screen, which is bigger than the iPad. A screen that size is not practical to me. I mean to carry it...I even have to have it in my hand or in a case on my back. It's a whole production. This Tab...I toss in pocket and it doesn't inconvenience me.

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My girls dad has one. I played with it a bit. Its ok but other than checking email, news, weather I cant think of a whole lot i would use it for? And the things i just mentioned i can do from my phone? I guess i would use it at the gym but i usually just listen to my ipod or read my nook... badass little thing.
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x2, the XOOM is going to be the tab I wait for.


The only thing keeping me from the tabs now is my phone can do everything that a tab can do right now.


What's gonna be the difference with the Xoom?


Today prices were released for it. $600 for the wifi version....I think i'll be buying that. Hell, I paid $500 for this Tab.

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Depending on pricing, I might get the LG Optimus 3D


Gotta say that's a perfect size...8.9". It could still potentially cost 650 for better, if it has a radio in it. There's been no talk of a wifi only version. I may just say F it and get the wifi Xoom next Thurs.

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Are these not just giant phones without the phone aspect?


Kinda...sort of. I guess. To be honest, I dunno why I need it. I use a PC all day at work and when I come home I have laptops in damn near every room. Also, I have better data storage, keyboard, etc on my laptops. The best thing about it is it's quick access. The time it takes to get the laptop, plug it in if need be....I can simply grab it quick and hit a page or whatever. Still that doesn't justify the cost, but I guess it boils down to....I wanted something new. Haven't bought anything in a while.



+1, and how do you fit that in your pocket?


This one you dont fit in your pocket. The one I had..You could. If you take this somewhere, you're holding it or it's stowed.

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Are these not just giant phones without the phone aspect?


The new android tablets run honeycomb (3.0) which is specifically designed for tablets, very much different than Android for phones. It's not that they can do much more than phones, but they do it differently, it takes advantage of having a bigger screen. It's bridging the gap between Android phones and Chrome OS, eventually the OS will sort of merge together.


Flash 10.2 will be out for it soon, and will be shipped with some tablets.

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