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Akai Electronic Wind Instrument (EWI) 4000s


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Here's one for the music guys out there.


I have an Akai EWI 4000S electronic Midi instrument that I received as a present and no longer use. I know down the down the line Ill probably regret selling it, but I just haven't had the time to play with it recently.


The EWI wasn't used a whole lot, and was never abused. It mainly stayed in my room except for a couple of times when I took it to school to practice. It is in near mint condition, only showing signs of wear on the keys(pictured below).


So what is it? This is basically an electric Saxophone. There is a variable wind sensor that you blow through, and the touchpad buttons act like the keys. There is a built in sound module and you can hook it up either to an amp, or to headphones (great if you have kids learning the sax/clarinet/flute). It also has midi input and output so you can hook it up to your favorite music program like Apple's Garageband(it will come with the pictured m-audio Midi to USB converter). The built in sounds are pretty electronic-y so having a sound module like Garageband is definitely a plus. But, the built in sounds mean you can play anywhere. It runs on AA batteries, and there is also an AC adapter you can buy. It came with a neck strap as well, but I lost the neck strap to my sax so I need to keep this one :D


The EWI came with software which I have misplaced, but is available for free on Akai's site, that lets you configure the keys and any other of its variable settings. As well, there are some people who have developed sound modules you can download that replace the built in sounds with updated midi instruments. This is only the basic info, so if you want to read up a little more check out Akai's site: http://www.akaipro.com/ewi4000s


And a video of the EWI in action:


Like I said, if you play an instrument this is a fun thing to have around and is definitely a cool "wow" thing to pull out on stage. I would image that it would be great for kids to practice on as well, without disrupting the whole neighborhood :p.










The EWI cost $800 in 2008 when I received it, looks like new they are $700 now. I would like to get $610 with the Midi to USB converter.

Edited by 1fynz
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:wtf: Which is it?

Good eye! Received as present. When I looked up the price I just typed "I bought" not thinking. Not that the 2008 price even matters anyway. Edited the original post.

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