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28 miles today...olentangy river trail was flooded in a few spots, but i still made it from worthington to downtown and back in under 2 hours




Used to ride that almost twice a day everyday when I was about 14-15 yrs old, then I got a license. I still have my cycling bike, doesn't get out often enough anymore.

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i was reading up a little bit earlier about TOSRV and im thinking about signing up for it...i just know if i pay to get into it, get stuff im gonna need (helmet, finally pull the trigger on cleats to go with the clipless pedals that came with the bike 2 years ago), and the day comes and its shitty weather, im not going to want to ride it one bit. i'd probably only ride down though...i couldnt do 210 miles in 2 days.


i think in 45 days i can get myself up to the point where i could do a century...30 milers dont really hurt like they use to, 60 miles a few times last year wasnt bad, was a little sore by about 50 miles, but nothing that slowed me down. if its 105 down, i could do that and just catch a ride back...it might take me 8 hours overall to pull it off, but i'd do it. if that 400lb guy just did a marathon in just under 10 hours, i could push myself to finish the down trip. lol

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i was reading up a little bit earlier about TOSRV and im thinking about signing up for it...i just know if i pay to get into it, get stuff im gonna need (helmet, finally pull the trigger on cleats to go with the clipless pedals that came with the bike 2 years ago), and the day comes and its shitty weather, im not going to want to ride it one bit. i'd probably only ride down though...i couldnt do 210 miles in 2 days.


i think in 45 days i can get myself up to the point where i could do a century...30 milers dont really hurt like they use to, 60 miles a few times last year wasnt bad, was a little sore by about 50 miles, but nothing that slowed me down. if its 105 down, i could do that and just catch a ride back...it might take me 8 hours overall to pull it off, but i'd do it. if that 400lb guy just did a marathon in just under 10 hours, i could push myself to finish the down trip. lol

My first TOSRV was in 93 when I was 11. I did that on a tandem with my dad. I did that for 3 years straight until my sister went with my dad on the tandem (she was 9) and I went solo at 14. It is an amazing ride and brings back some great memories. I did it 7 years straight and don't know why I have not been back since. I still feel like I could do it in a heartbeat though. I can easily jump on the bike and go 40-50 miles and my biggest ride in the last 2 years has been 76 miles but that was on a day that was hot as hell.

Tosrv is traditionally know for bad rainy weather, 5 of the 7 times I went it rained and most times there was a headwind on the way back on day two, which is TERRIBLE! I remember my last year on the tandem I thought I was gonna quit.

Moral of story Evan. Sign up and do it you will not regret it. It makes me sad to think I am not going on the 50th anniversary. I really should see if my dad wants to sign up and do it. BTW if you look at the stats on the website when I started it was at the peak of TOSRV around 6k riders from all over the USA. It's cool they can still pull 3k though.

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it might take me 8 hours overall to pull it off, lol


Not counting stopping time our best time ever was 6hr 25 min. I think the avg was in the 17's.

Whats nuts is there is a hardcore group of riders that goes out and back each day for 420 miles total.

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My first TOSRV was in 93 when I was 11. I did that on a tandem with my dad. I did that for 3 years straight until my sister went with my dad on the tandem (she was 9) and I went solo at 14. It is an amazing ride and brings back some great memories. I did it 7 years straight and don't know why I have not been back since. I still feel like I could do it in a heartbeat though. I can easily jump on the bike and go 40-50 miles and my biggest ride in the last 2 years has been 76 miles but that was on a day that was hot as hell.

Tosrv is traditionally know for bad rainy weather, 5 of the 7 times I went it rained and most times there was a headwind on the way back on day two, which is TERRIBLE! I remember my last year on the tandem I thought I was gonna quit.

Moral of story Evan. Sign up and do it you will not regret it. It makes me sad to think I am not going on the 50th anniversary. I really should see if my dad wants to sign up and do it. BTW if you look at the stats on the website when I started it was at the peak of TOSRV around 6k riders from all over the USA. It's cool they can still pull 3k though.


so i saw this on the website -

TOSRV Registration at the Hyatt on Capitol Square will be the focus of activities before the Tour. Registration will be open from 4:30 to 9:30 p.m. (and 5:00 to 8:30 a.m. Saturday). In addition to Registration, the Hyatt will host a variety of vendors offering an assortment of bicycle equipment and clothing.


so do they do the registration the night before/early morning of? if so, im gonna start training to do this, and if on the thursday/friday before the race the forecast looks good, i'll sign up and ride it. if its gonna be shitty though, no way.

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Unless you want arn't riding with a group and want to buy the jerseys and shit, you really don't need to "pay" for TOSRV.


Dont get me wrong, i have in the past and have NO problem supporting an organization such as Columbus Outdoor Pursuit( http://www.outdoor-pursuits.org/), but unless you are planning on using the sag waggon, you can get a group of ppl together to haul shit down there a few days before so its there for you once you get down.

Or you could do like we do

Over night staying we get a hotel of Waverly. We do about 105mi to Portsmouth drink some beer,eat and get a happy ending massagie and then hop back on the bike and take an easy and sometimes drunken ride 20mi back to Waverly....It makes sundays ride that much easier.

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is there a map of the route? i guess i figured they did the rides on some roads where they'd have it blocked off for that day/time frame and thats what the registration fee went towards...is it mainly off the road riding?
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The registration includes the sag wagon for your overnights and clothes if you stay in the schools. You will need a sleeping bag, they provide hot showers. It also includes maps of the route (which you dont really need) and breakfast and lunch both days. Along with a snack stop. It also benefits COP so it does go to a good cause. No you don't "need" to pay for it, but if your not wearing your number you may not get food and paying customers may look at you like an outcast.... :D

It's mainly on road riding but the route they take you on never is too busy... plus with 2500 other riders it makes it hard for trucks and cars to go fast anyway. I remember one year this 18 wheeler was going about the 15-20 mph for like 10 miles... that was a nice free draft ride for us about halfway through the ride.

Registration closes April 15th, you never know what the weather is going to be like... traditionally its bad, my first year I was spoiled it was perfect, year 2 I was all ready for it and it rained and was cold the whole way....(and I was like 12) terrible, but thats what makes it fun.

I talked to my dad tonight and I think we are going to do it... I will let you know for sure when, if we do we should make plans to all start Sat morning together just to say hi and meet each other since I am from Dayton.

Fortunately for us we have a family member about 7 miles past the finish in Portsmouth (so every year we ride about 225 miles) that we can stay with so we don't have to sleep in bags, but we don't use the sag so this year we would have to carry backpacks.

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hm...im gonna try to get some mileage in here soon...i went and got my bike from the shop today, and go figure, my rear tire has 2 small cuts on it, one doesnt look bad at all, really just looks like a scratch, the other one looks a good bit deeper, so im gonna be replacing the tire soon. also finally went and sprung the $100 on shoes and cleats to go with the pedals that came with the bike when i got it 2 years ago...rode a couple times around my block to get a feel for them...shoes dont feel too much different than my regular shoes with caged pedals, except i feel myself pulling up on the pedal now instead of just pushing down with the opposite foot.
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hm...im gonna try to get some mileage in here soon...i went and got my bike from the shop today, and go figure, my rear tire has 2 small cuts on it, one doesnt look bad at all, really just looks like a scratch, the other one looks a good bit deeper, so im gonna be replacing the tire soon. also finally went and sprung the $100 on shoes and cleats to go with the pedals that came with the bike when i got it 2 years ago...rode a couple times around my block to get a feel for them...shoes dont feel too much different than my regular shoes with caged pedals, except i feel myself pulling up on the pedal now instead of just pushing down with the opposite foot.


Yeah you should notice a nice power difference... don't be embarrassed if you forget to unclip and fall over at least once, it happens to most people. I rarely unclip, although now that I got this new bike for Christmas and its much stiffer than my aluminum frame the balance takes some getting used to.

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Nice buy! Cleats pedals and shoes are one of the most cost effective ways to increase your efficiency. If anyone is thinking about consistiantly riding, you should get some. And you dont need top of the line. Nashbar is a cycling catalog that alos makes their own brand.of.gear(like kroger brand cereal). Either that or over night parts from ebay should pull.a premium at TOSRV. Just make sure to take a trip to a local bike store to get fit in euro. They should be pretty snug


44 days 18hrs 10 minutes till TOSRV. Dont let todays wind stop you; its strength training for your legs!

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28.24 miles today...thought i was doing GREAT (for myself) for my trip from easton to galena, did 13.20 miles in 47:55, and as soon as i turned around, i found i had a good bit of help from the wind...it was no longer a help going southbound. kicked my ass. sleep will be NICE here in about 10 minutes. got some strength built though im sure...riding in the wind is no joke.

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Nice! You are getting what people who souly ride trails miss out on...wind and the elements. I got hailed on with 30mph winds in my face. For the last mile i was covered in hail and cranking out 12-13mph just burying my head and gritting it out!


Cycling is about how much pain you can take. It doesn't get any easier, you just get faster! Plus there is nothing better than making the 1/2 turn and FLYING at 25-30mph back home!

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kale id hit it up, i live in new alb, about 4 miles from hoover. i dont have a road bike though.


In the summer time I usually ride to Hoover, play a round of disc golf, and then ride back home. No road bike would make your ride pretty shitty :grin2:


I usually hit up phase I and II but my Gary Fisher is beat to shit and needs a new front shock

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In the summer time I usually ride to Hoover, play a round of disc golf, and then ride back home. No road bike would make your ride pretty shitty :grin2:


I usually hit up phase I and II but my Gary Fisher is beat to shit and needs a new front shock


I may have something for you....


Yeah im looking for a rd bike, theres no way id consider riding my mtn bike on the rd.

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my bud might have a fork for you. what fisher do you have?


2000 Wahoo.....looking for a shock fork (I would assume that is obvious, but just wanted to be sure) Probably not the time to buy, but who knows. PM me, or just let me know what he's got on here.

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