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2011 cycling


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i used my small gear today, but most of the time, i keep it in the middle gear


i had 22 miles or so in when i had to climb a hill, and my legs were dead...even on the small gear and largest cog, i still thought i was gonna have to walk my bike for a minute. luckily i made it through

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27 more miles after i got out of work again today...once again, hot as hell out there


btw, did anyone watch the tour today? i recorded 4 hours of it and been trying to catch it tonight...watched a camera car plow into the breakaway 5 riders, took two out, one catching some serious air landing into a barbwire fence...pissed me off just watching it...ill have to check youtube to see if its up yet. crazy crash though


this is a pretty decent view of it...god damn look at that guy fly into the fence...





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yeah...that other one where the guy was just laying there and vino possibly broke his pelvis looked pretty shitty too, but i didn't see them broadcast anything from that one that showed what happened, although i could assume. that was during a decent, right?
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Well I went for my ride.




Mother nature decided to pay me a visit once I was Downtown. On the way back to the car I had close to 10 miles of ran, wind, and crazy weather. Felt like I was in the movie Twister lol.


Now my bike is really dirty. Figures this would happen on my first real ride. Any tips on how to clean it up? The thing I am worried about is all the sandy water crap that kicked up. The rear brake now feels like it has tooth paste for lube. Chain looks a little dirty too. I really don't want to kill my chain and derailleurs from not cleaning it right.


I was thinking of rinsing the bike off with some water from the garden hose. Not sure if that is a good idea or not.

Edited by SRTmike08
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set your routes as "public" when you end them, or no one can see them


as for your bike, hose it down, hit it with a flimsy brush if you want...if its that bad on the brake, i'd take the wheel off and clean it out. you can buy a chain cleaner and solution. i honestly havent cleaned my chain once this year...the shop may have when they did the tune up (come to think about it, i think they did, aloing with the gears/cogs), but then again, i haven't riden in rain and only a few times gone through muddy water, but i went super slow so it didnt splash up

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set your routes as "public" when you end them, or no one can see them


as for your bike, hose it down, hit it with a flimsy brush if you want...if its that bad on the brake, i'd take the wheel off and clean it out. you can buy a chain cleaner and solution. i honestly havent cleaned my chain once this year...the shop may have when they did the tune up (come to think about it, i think they did, aloing with the gears/cogs), but then again, i haven't riden in rain and only a few times gone through muddy water, but i went super slow so it didnt splash up


Fixed the link. Ignore the time it took me to do it. I had to sit under an over pass once and then I stayed in the bike tunnel for a bit on Olentangy River Road when the lightning started.

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Well I went for my ride.




Mother nature decided to pay me a visit once I was Downtown. On the way back to the car I had close to 10 miles of ran, wind, and crazy weather. Felt like I was in the movie Twister lol.


Now my bike is really dirty. Figures this would happen on my first real ride. Any tips on how to clean it up? The thing I am worried about is all the sandy water crap that kicked up. The rear brake now feels like it has tooth paste for lube. Chain looks a little dirty too. I really don't want to kill my chain and derailleurs from not cleaning it right.


I was thinking of rinsing the bike off with some water from the garden hose. Not sure if that is a good idea or not.

I personally don't like the hose, causes more problems. Get the cheapest bottle or furniture polish you can and use that to clean the frame, rims etc. As for the chain just lube it, I never clean my chains and have never had any negative effects.

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Fixed the link. Ignore the time it took me to do it. I had to sit under an over pass once and then I stayed in the bike tunnel for a bit on Olentangy River Road when the lightning started.


Yeah, i never go off my MMR time because with stops, it keeps running, and im too lazy to get it out and pause it when i stop at a light or a fountain to refill my water...my cyclometer clock stops when i do, so i go off that for time, MMR GPS for distance

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Was getting dark sooner than we planned, so the planned ride got cut short by a few miles...but this was probably the highest average speed i've ever been able to pull off...last time we rode this route, my GPS didn't pick up until 1 minute in and about .26 miles into the ride, and it clocked 1:06:xx...this time it registered the extra 1/4 mile from the start and still did it 4 minutes faster...got done and thought i was going to get sick i was hurting so bad. definitely shouldn't have made my last intake of food before riding 4+ hours prior...next up, http://www.tourdecause.org in Lancaster saturday morning! should be some good hills to train on!



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Was getting dark sooner than we planned, so the planned ride got cut short by a few miles...but this was probably the highest average speed i've ever been able to pull off...last time we rode this route, my GPS didn't pick up until 1 minute in and about .26 miles into the ride, and it clocked 1:06:xx...this time it registered the extra 1/4 mile from the start and still did it 4 minutes faster...got done and thought i was going to get sick i was hurting so bad. definitely shouldn't have made my last intake of food before riding 4+ hours prior...next up, http://www.tourdecause.org in Lancaster saturday morning! should be some good hills to train on!




How did I not see this. I would love to go. What one are you doing the full 100? Finally a bike ride on a day I have off lol.

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lol, funny you say that...i was stopped with mike and dwayne helping with directions and clipped in to one pedal, we went to start, decided to stop to let cars pass before crossing and i tapped my brake and couldnt unclip fast enough, tilted to the left and keeled over...ended up that i broke my wrist in 2 spots, yet still rode the 20 miles back to the start point...glad i had aero bars to get down on, couldnt put pressure on my left palm like when riding....couldnt shift my front gear at all unless i reached over w/ right hand, which is tough w/ left arm on aero bars



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