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My ride tonight


I also got out tonight. Map will give you guys a small idea of my skill level. Wanted 20 miles minimum but sunset killed it for me.


EDIT: I like Endomondo. 1) It worked and 2) to the right you see my stats. Does iMapyMyRide do this for you guys and I'm jsut missing it?

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My ride tonight


I also got out tonight. Map will give you guys a small idea of my skill level. Wanted 20 miles minimum but sunset killed it for me.


EDIT: I like Endomondo. 1) It worked and 2) to the right you see my stats. Does iMapyMyRide do this for you guys and I'm jsut missing it?


i don't know if it has a way to show what speeds you're at at what point...i wouldn't mind having it logged, but im not too worried about it...i watch my cyclometer and i know when theres a decline, im going faster, and a climb im going slower. lol...


it does show

-the total time


-gain (538 vertical feet on this ride)

-max speed i dont know...again, cyclometer, but i really don't worry about it...my max speed is usually a burst of energy down hill just to see how fast i can get to. lol. my record so far is 40.0, and what pissed me off is it was on the ride i broke my wrist on, 2 miles after it happened, and i couldn't shift, so i was stuck in a low gear and coasted down this hill to 40mph, didn't pedal at all...if i couldve shifted, i could have nailed high 40s


it is what it is though...the one putty uses looks sweet, measures overall average speed and moving average (which i count because if im stopped at a light, its killing my average), BUT, i dont want to go with a new app since all of my rides are on MMR. ive got a mileage goal im going for this year, and it would just annoy me to have to go to 2 different sites to add up my miles to see how far along my goal i am. *maybe* next year, but honestly, probably not...lol

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Got out for 38.5 miles today with Mike (SRTmike08) and Grant (GMoney)...2:20...nice night to get out. i made the mistake of not snacking early enough before, and figured a bagel would be enough 30 min before the ride...before mile 4 after that first hill, i felt like i was going to throw up. stomach was killing me...had to stop for a few minutes and let that go away. afterwards all was good


and i will say, mike has made a huge improvement over the first time i rode with him 7/16...then, he was hurting by mile 25ish and having a hard time keeping up...last couple times ive ridden with him, he leaves me behind bad...thats the advantage of having long ass legs and being so thin.


my legs are killing me, probably top 3 pain wise ive had after a ride...i know ill be sleeping good tonight...and if the wind isnt too bad from that hurricane this weekend, might head out again


I have the same long ass legs I had in Lancaster lol. The big difference is I have been kicking my own ass riding lately.


I swear I have a really odd ride routine but you should try it and see what your legs feel like after a long ride. This may sound crazy and maybe its all in my head but I eat a PB&J with a glass of chocolate milk about 2 hours before a ride. Gets me a nice start with some extra carbs and protein. Then after a ride I usually have another glass of chocolate milk seems to help with muscle recovery.


O and lets not forget I have started taking daily vitamins as well.

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Felt fine after we finished, except a cant take deep breaths without my chest killing me, but thats after every long ride...


My buddy dwayne gave me a few of these gummy/energy snacks he got at giant eagle at our first stop...idk if it was in my head or if they helped as much as i think, because i was feeling great for a while after having them, and that was @ 24 mi in. Im gonna see if i can find them at meijet when i go in tonight...he said theyre only like $1.75

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Endomondo is the shit... not only is it great for cycling, it works for pretty much every other sport out there.


My dad did the 100 mile on the Wright Wride today, I just went out for a few miles with the fiancee.


Also to the night ride comment, Evan just get a nice set of lights, probably in the $250 range and you will love it, best time to ride IMO. No traffic, cool etc.

I would love one of these....


2600 lumens...

Yes its brighter than car lights.... and really good for mountain biking, but would work great for the road too!

To buy them, (you don't wanna see the price) http://gretnabikes.com/lupine_lights.asp


I had a HID light, with an actual ballast and everything. It was a $500 light and a hand me down from my dad when he upgraded... bright as shit, but it died finally.

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Now that i hear it again, thats exactly what they were...thanks, now i dont have to call my buddy and ask him.


How often do you eat those when riding? Just trying to figre out how many i should get for the next few weeks


I think you are supposed to eat 3-4 an hour. It says on the package.

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I think you are supposed to eat 3-4 an hour. It says on the package.


Cool...ill check...couldnt find them at meijer but theres a giant eagle within short walking distance of my work...ill stroll over there this weekend and grab some

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for it being labor day, today was the day to do some fucking WORK! finally completed my first century. first 70 miles weren't bad...was some wind, but nothing unbearable. next 15 HURT. straight strong southbound wind, and i was heading straight north. luckily though, that translated to an easier finishing 15 miles. 1400' of vertical climbing...legs are on fire. time to relax for the night.



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Not as long of a ride as i wanted to get in today, but still got out...26 miles...after about mile 9 or so it kept feeling like my chain kept missing a tooth...knew there was a table at the trailhead, figured id check it there


Once there, i find a bad link...no big deal...get my link tool, spare link, start to pop the old link out...no sooner does it start raining...and not a slight rain, it fucking poured...screwed with that for 10-15 min in the rain...decided i better turn around since i didnt have a spare link now, and if chain is going bad, i dont want to get stuck. Bike store didnt have link, gotta get one ordered


Today was the first day ive had to do a roadside repair, and first time ive got caught in the rain...and my luck, they both come at the same time...i will say though, once i got moving again, that rain felt NICE. Just couldnt see too well with my glasses being wet, but i was on a trail so it was ok.


443 miles left to go this year



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  • 2 months later...

Bringing this back up. Finished my mountain bike racing season ranked 4th.



Just got a cyclocross bike and did a race over the weekend in Willoughby and finished in the top ten. Can't complain for my first race ever.


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Do it. No way to get faster than some competition. It is a good time and the people are really nice and always willing to offer advice. I have a pretty full season planned next year with 10 MTB races and 10 CX races and the Mohican 100k in the spring.
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