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Need advice asap!!!!!!!!


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This has to be one of the dumbest fucking ideas I've ever seen someone have other than buying an STi with a beach painted on the side.


You had a friend buy a fucking laptop for you. The agreement was the laptop would be paid in full with your Obama money. Obama let you down like millions of other Americans. You wanna beat said drug dealer/pill pusher up because YOU owe him money. How about you do yourself a favor and fucking give the laptop back and wait till you have the money to pay cash.


Why don't people understand this....pay cash for shit. Do NOT finance a god damn computer. If you need to finance something like that, you have much bigger issues than not having a laptop.

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My buddy got me a laptop through work and before he did I said once I get my taxes back I would pay the laptop off in full. the money was getting taken out of his paycheck. So here's the bad part..


I didn't get back no where near what I thought I was and after bills and stuff I was broke..

Right here is all I needed to see.


You are a dirt bag, period. "After bills and stuff." HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOUR PRIMARY BILL. You should have paid him before spending the money on other shit.


Now you are a deadbeat and want to pay installments. He didn't agree to that, so no wonder he is pissed. Since you are obviously some broke dick that can't pay people back, and assuming you have nothing worth selling to come up with the money, try this:


- Give him the laptop

- Pay him weekly for the laptop, covering MORE than what is being pulled from his check weekly, so that he isn't out any cash each week

- Once you pay him back (WITH INTEREST), then request to have the laptop returned.


He isn't your fucking Rent-A-Center.


Here is an example of how I was in a bad spot and did what I could to NOT be a deadbeat:


Back in 2002, I bought a house. Moved out of a close friend/roomate's place (he was moving out of state). He had some furniture, TV, etc. he didn't want to take across country, so I purchased it off of him as I needed to furnish my home. Because I had to make a down payment on the house, I didn't have enough cash (couple grand) to pay him all at once. I made agreed upon payments (ON TIME), but a few days after moving into my house I was laid off. I made payments (ON TIME) for a while, then things started getting tough. At this point, he said it was okay for me to wait until I got back on my feet. Instead, I sold what I could and sent him money, and made it a PRIORITY to pay him back. I could have waited a couple years to pay him back, but I'm not a deadbeat and made sure he got his money, even if that meant selling some things to do so.


How about you do something in your life to straighten your act out and take care of business. You obvisouly can't afford this laptop (otherwise, pull from savings, cash withdraw a credit card, etc.). Stop buying shit you can't afford. Sell some stuff, pay him back, and learn to NOT BE A DEADBEAT.

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Hey Guiz,


I bought my house a few years ago, and agreed to pay them monthly for it.

Well, I can't do that now, and they are wanting the money! I've told them I'll give it to them when I can, but they just won't listen.


I keep thinking I should just go down there and blow up the bank, but then I realize I might go to jail. Should I just set the house on fire and give it back to them ?


Thanks for reading,



Joe Dickindirt.


That was good,lol.

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So should I just meet him somewhere beat the fuck out of the laptop, give it to him and walk away or??????



yea this.. how dare he ask for the money you owe him..




Give friend Civic, that should almost cover value of laptop.





+1 imaginary rep

Edited by nurkvinny
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Honda owners lol


You're nobody to talk James.


Roy it is a sucky situation. I would say return it, or if he's willing to hold out til you can get the funds drawn from your pay. Is it annoying that he's blowing you up? Yup, but he's 95% right. Given how its gone down if he were a real friend he'd understand what has happened. And try to work with you.


While I'm pointing fingers its a good thing Columbus has so many perfect people in one spot. You guys act like you've never been in a tough spot. I have a hard time believing Roy planned this to go this way. Flame away dicks.

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You're nobody to talk James.


Roy it is a sucky situation. I would say return it, or if he's willing to hold out til you can get the funds drawn from your pay. Is it annoying that he's blowing you up? Yup, but he's 95% right. Given how its gone down if he were a real friend he'd understand what has happened. And try to work with you.


While I'm pointing fingers its a good thing Columbus has so many perfect people in one spot. You guys act like you've never been in a tough spot. I have a hard time believing Roy planned this to go this way. Flame away dicks.


STupid FaggOT Face.

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You're nobody to talk James.


Roy it is a sucky situation. I would say return it, or if he's willing to hold out til you can get the funds drawn from your pay. Is it annoying that he's blowing you up? Yup, but he's 95% right. Given how its gone down if he were a real friend he'd understand what has happened. And try to work with you.


While I'm pointing fingers its a good thing Columbus has so many perfect people in one spot. You guys act like you've never been in a tough spot. I have a hard time believing Roy planned this to go this way. Flame away dicks.


sure, i've been in tough spots before. maybe not as tough as the original poster, but i guess i'm just extremely lucky----right??


either way, douchebag original poster essentially took out a loan for a computer---what appears to be a 0% interest loan funded by a friend. he was unable to pay off the loan to the agreed terms. then he wants to beat the hell out of his 'buddy' for repeatedly asking him for the money?? are you fucking kidding me??


if you buy a car from the dealership and don't pay it off to the agreed terms---they repo the fucking car, and you get pepper sprayed/tazed if you try to stop them. you don't get to beat the shit out of the salesperson/dealership because they're bothering you for payment. roy should have never made this thread. the last thing he needs to be doing is bitching about it on the fucking internet. go out and shovel some god damned driveways to pay off the $50. no sympathy from me, or anyone else here--and its largely due to his flawed thought process--not the fact he's in a tough spot.

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sure, i've been in tough spots before. maybe not as tough as the original poster, but i guess i'm just extremely lucky----right??


either way, douchebag original poster essentially took out a loan for a computer---what appears to be a 0% interest loan funded by a friend. he was unable to pay off the loan to the agreed terms. then he wants to beat the hell out of his 'buddy' for repeatedly asking him for the money?? are you fucking kidding me??


if you buy a car from the dealership and don't pay it off to the agreed terms---they repo the fucking car, and you get pepper sprayed/tazed if you try to stop them. you don't get to beat the shit out of the salesperson/dealership because they're bothering you for payment. roy should have never made this thread. the last thing he needs to be doing is bitching about it on the fucking internet. go out and shovel some god damned driveways to pay off the $50. no sympathy from me, or anyone else here--and its largely due to his flawed thought process--not the fact he's in a tough spot.



Wanting to beat the guys ass is dumb. There are a million different ways to ha-sleep this. Having lost everyrhing I own once before, and having to bust my ass to fix it puts a little different view on it u guess.

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I love all ur guys answers but bottom line is I know I can't pay the pc in full all at once. I'm willing to work out anything to fix the problem. He don't want me to make any type of payments besides 1.


The whole beating his ass problem is him trying to get me fired over this and making shit up. I admit I was in the wrong and that I didn't do what I said I was going to do. I've told him over and over again I can pay the payments on time and will be no lost to him at all.


So monday I'm going to talk to hr and get it taken out of my pay check and give him what I owe him.

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Right here is all I needed to see.


You are a dirt bag, period. "After bills and stuff." HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOUR PRIMARY BILL. You should have paid him before spending the money on other shit.


Now you are a deadbeat and want to pay installments. He didn't agree to that, so no wonder he is pissed. Since you are obviously some broke dick that can't pay people back, and assuming you have nothing worth selling to come up with the money, try this:


- Give him the laptop

- Pay him weekly for the laptop, covering MORE than what is being pulled from his check weekly, so that he isn't out any cash each week

- Once you pay him back (WITH INTEREST), then request to have the laptop returned.


He isn't your fucking Rent-A-Center.




OP, you're acting like a douche. If you don't make it right, I hope he gets you fired since you think you should beat his ass for your YOUR mistake. Maybe you can explain to your boss/work what happened and see if they don't laugh in your face... :gtfo:

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Hey Guiz,


I bought my house a few years ago, and agreed to pay them monthly for it.

Well, I can't do that now, and they are wanting the money! I've told them I'll give it to them when I can, but they just won't listen.


I keep thinking I should just go down there and blow up the bank, but then I realize I might go to jail. Should I just set the house on fire and give it back to them ?


Thanks for reading,



Joe Dickindirt.


Just saw this thread. and LOL'D



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