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If he won't let me make payments and wants it back then that's on him. I don't wanna stick him like that cause we was good friends. I keep telling him that I'll pay but he has a **** problem and he's just running off at the mouth.


why should he let you make payments you told him you would pay it in full and you are trying to back out of the deal. Hell I would be pissed as well. Its not his job to make this right its yours.

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If he won't let me make payments and wants it back then that's on him. I don't wanna stick him like that cause we was good friends. I keep telling him that I'll pay but he has a **** problem and he's just running off at the mouth.




You screwed him, he did nothing wrong.

The first 100 posts saying that must not have been clear.

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how much money total do you owe for the laptop. does the $50 just get you caught up or is that all you owe?



Ya 50 is all i owe cause they just started taking the money out 2 weeks ago. He was trying to get me to pay him early and I asked the hr lady when did they start taking it out and then they told me a couple weeks ago. So wft

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I deal and have dealt with ignorant shit like this for about the past 10-12 years. With weekly payments I assume the guy works for a rental company.


In my business I would have already taken the shit back from you and moved on.


Sounds like you are pulling a bitch move and want people to feel bad for you.

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i wouldn't publicly admit that i couldn't afford to pay someone $50 for a laptop that they bought for me. you should truly be embarassed to be creating a thread such as this. seriously?? this guy bought a computer through his work, but with his 'work money'---was kind enough to give you the computer with the understanding that you'd pay him back when your obama bailout money came. and now that you realize you can't pay him, you're going to kick his ass for repeatedly asking you for the money??


shocks me that people who breath the same air as i, can be so utterly fucking retarded.

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Ya 50 is all i owe cause they just started taking the money out 2 weeks ago. He was trying to get me to pay him early and I asked the hr lady when did they start taking it out and then they told me a couple weeks ago. So wft


To make sure I understand you correctly you have paid for it all expect for $50 which you have in hand but don't want to give him?

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To make sure I understand you correctly you have paid for it all expect for $50 which you have in hand but don't want to give him?


No, he still owes the whole thing, but he figures the guy's only made 3 payments of $17 each, so he really only owes him $51 at this point. Even though the deal was that he pay it in full with his tax refund.

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For the last fucking time I'm tring to pay for the dam shit. I DON"T WANT TO STICK HIM WITH THE BILL. I'll pay of the dam laptop like he's going to do. He's a fucking pill abuser and he just wants to be in ass. AGAIN I"LL PAY FOR THE LAPTOP IF HE WANTS ME TO IF NOT FUCK him. I'm not looking for anyone to feel sorry for me I just felt like telling someone.. I'm trying to do what's right he's just no letting me.
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For the last fucking time I'm tring to pay for the dam shit. I DON"T WANT TO STICK HIM WITH THE BILL. I'll pay of the dam laptop like he's going to do. He's a fucking pill abuser and he just wants to be in ass. AGAIN I"LL PAY FOR THE LAPTOP IF HE WANTS ME TO IF NOT FUCK him. I'm not looking for anyone to feel sorry for me I just felt like telling someone.. I'm trying to do what's right he's just no letting me.



What's right:


1. Give him the laptop back, along with extra money for pain and aggravation.

2. Give him payment in full, and extra money for pain and aggravation.

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Why should anyone have to suffer because of your incompetence to fulfill an obligation.


You said you were going to pay him after doing your taxes.


You did your taxes.


Now its time to pay up in full.


It doesn't matter if he is using his money for drugs, hookers, or bills. It is his money and you have an obligation to pay him his money back.

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Why should anyone have to suffer because of your incompetence to fulfill an obligation.


You said you were going to pay him after doing your taxes.


You did your taxes.


Now its time to pay up in full.


It doesn't matter if he is using his money for drugs, hookers, or bills. It is his money and you have an obligation to pay him his money back.




I loaned a close friend $8,000... he has untill march 15th to pay up + $500 for loaning it to him. Luckily he will have my money back early on monday, he had to liquidate some stocks to do so but thats his deal not mine.


Your friend is a good guy, because he hasnt kicked your door down yet.

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