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PhotoShop/PhotoEditing guys


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Just got home and 2 deer were standing in the yard. Grabbed my phone and snapped off several pics but this was the better of them. Looks awesome on the phone but as you can see the image quality blows in full size. So is any body able to shrink it down to size (preferably along the lines of 1366 x768 but keep the ration correct) and tweak the coloring? I'd like to possibly use it as a background if it looks good enough at that size. Also feel free to edit how you'd like if you decide to play around a bit.



Oh and for Not Brian and others who love MS paint, make me proud.



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That is the shittiest picture I have ever seen.


Yep that 8 mega pixel B.S. doen't look so hot when it's on an screen that bigger and 4 inches. I even had it resting on my car door so it wasn't moving. Played with different settings.


Only thing that may have changed it was the fact that it was zoomed in. Digital zoom FTL

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mega pixels don't mean shit when the lens is the size of a shriveled up squirrel testicle.


Yep, surprisingly though as far as most phones go its got a larger lense, pretty sure the sensor in it is a piece of shit though. I'm just glad that it'll manually focus the lense instead of trying to do it digitally like the zoom.

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PM of image sent to you. Here's a smaller version for web display for those that don't have a wide screen monitor.


I did what I could given the original was a jpeg from a cell phone. Background edited a bit to make it a bit more interesting considering it's use as a desktop wall paper.










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