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iPhone repair

Jizzle Juice

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How much did it cost to do that? Because a coworker cracked her screen twice. First time apple store at Easton just gave her a new one for free and second time they only charged her like 70 bucks.


Seriosuly? the guy at polaris told me id have to buy a new one!! :mad:

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You need a small phillips screw driver and a suction cup. Remove the 2 small screws on the bottom of the phone. Attach the suction cup to the screen. The glass, digitizer, and LCD are glued together and should come up as 1 assembly. Find the signal cable for the LCD. Make sure it's plugged in. Google for more detailed instructions and pics.


Edit: being an iphone4 it's under a year old and should still be under warranty. Plug it into your computer that has your iTunes installed. iTunes will perform a backup regardless of the condition on the screen. Once you back it up, select the "restore" option in iTunes. It will install a non JB iOS4.2.1. Then take it to the Applestore.

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Ive already taken it apart and pit a new screen on it. I didnt get the didgitizer with the new screen thats where i fucked up


The digitizer is the "touch" in "touch screen". That wouldn't cause a whore screen. You likely left something unplugged. Open her up and try again.

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Oh, and that might be for the 3GS now that i think about it. So im not mad anymore haha. I found a shop locally hat does it.


I guess i was suppose to change out the digitizer alswell :(


the kit shoudl have come with everything you need to replace the screen.


there is a a TEEENy tiny calbe htat is the last that you plug in, that is a HUGe pain in the ass. It made me almost throw the damn thing against the wall..

it comes out SOO easily. keep at it


Ther are TONS of youtube videos on it. I watched and watched and watched them. Incredibly useful.

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The digitizer is the "touch" in "touch screen". That wouldn't cause a whore screen. You likely left something unplugged. Open her up and try again.


This. Don't order more parts than you need to. Only a fraction of the time that a screen breaks on those the digitizer goes with it.

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