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I've only got satellite internet (WildBlue) where I live available to me, which fucking blows cock. Anyways, I've done as I always have for years and years, knowing full well it'd eventually come back to bite me in the ass, and downloaded torrents of my favorite TV shows I miss throughout the week. Well, apparently CBC didn't take too kindly to me downloading 'NCIS' episodes, and reported it to WildBlue. Well, supposedly WildBlue was sending me emails to stop, however, I never got those emails because they're attached to the account email which I check, maybe, once a year. Low and behold, my interwebs gets shut off the other day, and I discover this whole ordeal upon investigating as to why. At first it was a permanent account closure, but, after some playing dumb, and pouring out a fake-ass sob story, I managed to get it reinstated.


Fucking copyrights. :mad:


FML. Time for a TEVO.



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A roommate of mine a few years ago got his shit confiscated for something similar... except it was kiddie porn instead of TV shows. Ended up being totally innocent and didn't get charged with anything, although they did keep all his storage devices as "evidence" in a case.
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are you using public torrents? Insight busted me 3-4x but all over a period of 2-3 yrs. they just ask you stupid questions about your network and such, just play dumb and say youll cange the network passcode.


now if you dont want to get caught you HAVE to use a private torrent site. since ive gone strictly to private ive yet to have any problems. pm me if you need an invite.

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