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car stereo and USB question


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so i picked up a 500gb portable HD to store music and other misc shit on..

its seagate goflex pro

i through some albums on it, plugged it in to the usb on the sonata, and no go, kept saying no media.. i looked a little into it and found out it wouldnt read ntsf format


before i formatted though, i tried it on my clarion cz209 head unit for the bike.. no go there either, got a error 7..


so i reformatted the drive to exfat (thats the only other option besides ntsf it gives)

works flawlessly in the car.. but no dice on the clarion



anyone got any advice?

i really need this thing to work on both units..


can i make it work? or am i gonna have to get a new unit to replace the clarion, or just get a usb flash drive.

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I'm not all that informed on computer stuff. But, I use a USB in my RX7. I tried the same thing and basically was to that I would be limited to thumb drive size divices due to the head unit only being able to process so much. Is that saying there's a processor in the head unit? I don't know. I do know I use a 12gig and it's a ton of music still but not the 110 gigs I have.


It's not the fix for you, but it's kind of a FYI.

Edited by Mojoe
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