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Sinus Infection anyone ???


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Anyone here ever dealt with one. My gums/teeth are sore and I have pressure on the one side of my nose. My gums kind of feel like Im coming off of a shot of novocaine. I just came from the dentist and do have a couple new cavities ,the next day it all started. Dentist told me in the past it was my sinus acting up and not draining properly. He gave me anibiotics at that time and it finally went away. This really hurts your sleeping schedual and will turn you into a real ass. Ask my wife.
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used to get them a lot prior to my sinus surgery. relief in 1-2 days with proper meds. good luck. they are the worst.


sinus surgery does not sound like much fun. How were you diagnosed and what were your symptons ? Just curious.

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get them all the time they suck

try sinus buster it really sucks for about 30 sec but it provides about 45 min of relief make sure you have a paper towel ready lots stuff comes out


That is torture. I'd only recommended that for you.

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I get them fairly frequently as well. You may end up needing antibiotics, but the the neti-pot works, although it's pretty gross and has to be done a lot.


For general relief, mucinex seems to work the best among all things I've tried.

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+1 For Neti Pots / Sinus Flushing.


Has really cut down on the number of actual sinus infections I get.

Usually happens around this time of year, when the weather is changing too.


I just use the pot a couple times a day at the first sign of drainage, and usually I'm better within 24hrs. If I wait longer, it will turn into an infection and a stupid trip to the minute clinic.

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+1 For Neti Pots / Sinus Flushing.


Has really cut down on the number of actual sinus infections I get.

Usually happens around this time of year, when the weather is changing too.


I just use the pot a couple times a day at the first sign of drainage, and usually I'm better within 24hrs. If I wait longer, it will turn into an infection and a stupid trip to the minute clinic.


Neti Pots or the nose buster. Neti Pot sounds like it would be better. Weird I have not been home from my florida trip for only two weeks and the headaches and sinus's act up.

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I just got thru using the neti pot with the solution stuff that comes with it. It seem to open me up a little. Im going to use it again before I go to bed and will see what I feel like later. Thanks for all the info everyone.
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I just got thru using the neti pot with the solution stuff that comes with it. It seem to open me up a little. Im going to use it again before I go to bed and will see what I feel like later. Thanks for all the info everyone.


you have to use it a bunch, but it's a quick cheap way to feel better :)

i just use sea salt in mine...i have never bought "special salt"

Mix 1/4 tablespoon of pure sea salt with 8 ounces of warm water




and ouch to the listerine recipe!!

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you have to use it a bunch, but it's a quick cheap way to feel better :)

i just use sea salt in mine...i have never bought "special salt"

Mix 1/4 tablespoon of pure sea salt with 8 ounces of warm water




and ouch to the listerine recipe!!


the baking soda in it neutralizes it, so it doesnt really burn.. it works though..

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sinus surgery does not sound like much fun. How were you diagnosed and what were your symptoms ? Just curious.


I used to practice martial arts and blocked a few kicks over the years with my face :o Deviated septum on the right caused a 60% blockage.


The left side compensated which resulted in enlarged turbinates. Another nearly 50% blockage.


Hammer, chisel and a red-hot-poker fixed it up. I've broken two vertebrae and blown a disk and this surgery hurt more. However, the pain ended in about 10 days. 6 weeks of having Doc pull out shit from my sinuses, the last session involved what looked like a large cricket being removed (Dead tissue) from the cauterization. Viola. I can breath like a wind tunnel and literally it's rare if I get a stuffy nose. Even colds don't phase me.


Worth the 10 days of misery. Learned a lot about how much saline my sinus cavity can hold as I flushed it regularly while healing. Crazy feeling but in a good way. Especially when you're flushing out all that shit. I also fell in love with my recliner as I slept in it alternating compresses for nearly two weeks.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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