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way to go AT&T


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Remember when free markets used to breed innovation and force companies to offer more?


Everything's a race to the bottom today. Instead of capitalizing on an opportunity to offer faster speeds and improved broadband infrastructure to gain customers, they just cap the service they provide to existing customers to make profits.

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I'm fucked...lol.


I've had U-verse since December and my usage on just this PC...


December - 400GB

January - 2TB

February - 550GB

So far this month - 325GB


OMG. :eek:


Dude, what the fuck are you downloading.

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OMG. :eek:


Dude, what the fuck are you downloading.


When I saw this news the other day I did some math on my usage and found that almost 250GB a month comes just from my having a channel on justin.tv that streams episodes of House 24/7 open for close to 18 hours a day (from the time I go to bed until the time I get home from work). The January number is so high because the site I download HD movies from had free leech for about 2 weeks that month...lol.


I'm probably going to have to switch back to Insight (15/.768 vs. the 24/3 I'm getting from U-verse right now) and just pray that they follow Time Warner's lead with their RR service and offer 30/5 and 50/5 sometime in the near future.


I definitely figure that I'm in the top 2% that AT&T said the effects were going to be largely limited to.

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I hit 500gb in just a few DAYS when I reformatted and had to redownload my steam library :)


Guess I'm switching to time warner after the grace period is up. Shame I can't get wow where I live. Hopefully time warners 30mbit plan is available soon (and cheap)

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I have my son on his xbox all day, me on my xbox at night, daughter on the computer, and wife on the laptop.... and we dont even use 20gb. There is data going in and out of my house for 22 hours a day.


Are you people that use more than 250gb streaming high definition goat porn all day :confused:

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Wait what? If this ever comes close to affecting me I will promptly talk to the customer service agent's boss's, boses's, boss within 15 minutes, ask for my refund, then promptly cancelling my service.


I have my son on his xbox all day, me on my xbox at night, daughter on the computer, and wife on the laptop.... and we dont even use 20gb. There is data going in and out of my house for 22 hours a day.


Are you people that use more than 150gb streaming high definition goat porn all day :confused:


Comforting to know, but still it is a bit ridiculous AT&T... Would this be because people are running servers for multiple machines, and taking up incredible amounts of bandwith for just a measly one service fee?

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Wait what? If this ever comes close to affecting me I will promptly talk to the customer service agent's boss's, boses's, boss within 15 minutes, ask for my refund, then promptly cancelling my service.




Comforting to know, but still it is a bit ridiculous AT&T... Would this be because people are running servers for multiple machines, and taking up incredible amounts of bandwith for just a measly one service fee?


No, El Karacho said it best.. They are going to save butt loads of money in upkeep and have no additional need to expand by getting rid of the high data users. Its a win for them at the expense of network leaches. Every company will be following soon enough.. We are in the age of charge more for less to make bigger profits :nono: Verizon, Att.. who's next??

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I have my son on his xbox all day, me on my xbox at night, daughter on the computer, and wife on the laptop.... and we dont even use 20gb. There is data going in and out of my house for 22 hours a day.


Are you people that use more than 250gb streaming high definition goat porn all day :confused:


Hmmm steaming youtube, hulu, netflix, and pandora all the time. Then I do use usenet often. It adds up real quick.

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