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Stock Market....


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I was going to pull out this week, but i guess im not now.


Well if you alredy took your beating, might as well just ride it out. You always here "buy low well high" and this is a great example. Eat the loss and sell out next time sooner.

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hyundai stocks went down huh? that sucks cause your hyundais going down!!!!!!! :lol:






sorry for your loss



Sad part is i was supposed to get this thing tuned this weekend. I left the hyundai badge on the rear just so you could see what was in front of you.




thanks man!

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I was going to pull out this week, but i guess im not now.


Waiting too long to pull out has produced some even more expensive mistakes :eek:


Be thankful this one just cost a few large.


After the tech bubble burst and I lost a fortune, I've been strickly with Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefit protection on annuities. It cuts into the profits you see when the market rises, but guarantees you don't lose any principal (plus interest) if the market tanks. I didn't lose a cent when the mortage meltdown happened a few years ago. If you're investing your retirement money (or any money you can't afford to lose), it's the best way to go IMHO.


I don't pretend to know alot about the market, but I've found this old cliche to be true: Bulls can make money, Bears can make money, but Pigs always lose.

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I shorted the stocks and i am buying in this morning low , hoping to bounce back.


My bad...I misread your post. Still...you're broke from options that went south and you somehow bought stocks at a low?


If you bought the same stocks, your all-in cost (figuring what you paid for the options + what price you now bought the stocks) is going to be negative: you're never going to amortize the option price out of your stock holding unless you purchased separate equities.

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