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Happy Birthday v8beast..


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Happy birthday to ya you old fart... what can i say about ya... one of the first times i met you in person i took a narly shit in your bathroom at your house... :lol:


many found memories with you like playing fetch with you dog with a big black dildo.... :bangbang:


or racing you on foot in a a parking lot at hooters an me getting hit in the face with a jordan an still winning the race an taking your money...



all in all your a good dude hope you have a happy birthday i think your still in flordia ... sooo not to be racist but can black people get sun burns?


brian as mr gq




cultured stig






the car t hat no one has ever seen... its like a unicorn...




oh an just cause im paul here is a pic of me beating that unicorn...





hope your birthdays going well old guy

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