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Spoiled Kids

Otis Nice

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Funny little story. Driving up Hoover south of 665 a Lexus LS pulls out of a neighborhood about 1/4 mile ahead of me. No biggie. I get up to them and they're doing 40 in a 55. No biggie again since it's a passing zone and it seemed nobody was coming the other way for awhile.


I go to pass using slight acceleration, turn signal, and not getting within 1 car length of their rear bumper and when I get next to them they speed up and won't let me over. Another car crests a little hill a few seconds later and I have to slow down and get behind them. I look in the car. It's 2 teenage girls. The one in the passenger seat turns around and gives the the "no no no" finger. Not the middle but like when mom waves her index finger at you when you do something wrong. I get a little iritated but whatever.


They slow back down to 40 and turn around laughing. Immature so I can let that go. Once I'm able to pass again they speed up to 90. They laugh and point the whole way.


I'm not mad that they wouldn't let me and my beat up truck pass since I had plenty of time to get to work but more frustrated that they saw it as a game and risked at least 4 lives in the process. Kids these days feel like they're indestructable and that the world owes them something. I just hope they don't play those games with the wrong person and get run off the road or shot or anything.

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Pit maneuver works wonders.


Won't say the though didn't cross my mind. lol


Also thoguht about going to the neighborhood after work to see if I could find the house, knock on the door, and ask daddy if he knew the Lexus could do 90+. Hahaha.


Also thought, and I know this sounds ridiculous in light of the forum I'm posting it on, "Mn, if I had the Jetta I could've sailed past them." I know, I know. 1.8Turd. It runs better and faster than my 3.9L Dakiota witha tranny that's slipping slightly right now though. :)

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Aren't all kids these days entitled brats ?



That made me feel old.


Too true


I had the same thing happen to me with a Kid in his dads BMW 535XI. It didn't turn out the way he thought it would and his buddy in the Accord behind him decided to try, and failed to. Very happy to have a daily with some pep to it.

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Sorry, but not really cause those bitches were on the way to my place.


Hmmmm, Pedoshanton? J/K,





No really




Most all kids are like that today. I'm sure it's gotta be the age but my 11yr old son thinks the world owes him everything. Throw in a smart mouth and he's on my last nerve to no end. My 5 and 6yr olds aren't like that, but once in a while they will test the waters to see if I'm serious or not.

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1-800-GRAB-DUI. 1-877-7-PATROL.


if the number of officers I see at speed traps is any indication, CPD has nothing better to do than scare the piss out of a couple shithead teens.


"Yes, I'd like to report a drunk driver. Two girls in a late model Lexus rolled through a stop sign and pulled out in front of me, going way left of center in the process. Yes, I DO have their license plate..."

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1-800-GRAB-DUI. 1-877-7-PATROL.


if the number of officers I see at speed traps is any indication, CPD has nothing better to do than scare the piss out of a couple shithead teens.


"Yes, I'd like to report a drunk driver. Two girls in a late model Lexus rolled through a stop sign and pulled out in front of me, going way left of center in the process. Yes, I DO have their license plate..."




Few days ago I had two kids in a nearly new 335ci peeling out down residential streets. The one driving looked as if he just got his license.

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Pit maneuver works wonders.



Aren't all kids these days entitled brats ?



That made me feel old.

unfortunately yes, it probably has to do with the fact 10 year olds have their own cell phones and roam around doing whatever they want.


You failed when you didn't ram them off the road with your truck, then throat fuck their coarpses.



Hmmmm, Pedoshanton? J/K,





No really




Most all kids are like that today. I'm sure it's gotta be the age but my 11yr old son thinks the world owes him everything. Throw in a smart mouth and he's on my last nerve to no end. My 5 and 6yr olds aren't like that, but once in a while they will test the waters to see if I'm serious or not.


Youre lucky it didnt start till 11. go to the park, or the mall.. seems these days 5 yr olds think they know everything and run shit.






In conclusion, if some spoiled bitch did that shit to me, she would be in a ditch. I dont care enough about my paint not to teach them a lesson. Besides, you could always say they were driving recklessly and came left of center when you tried to pass.

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In conclusion, if some spoiled bitch did that shit to me, she would be in a ditch. I dont care enough about my paint not to teach them a lesson. Besides, you could always say they were driving recklessly and came left of center when you tried to pass.




You're cool! Do that shit to my dumb fucking spoiled bitch daughter and you sir will be a thing of the past.


just saying

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In conclusion, if some spoiled bitch did that shit to me, she would be in a ditch. I dont care enough about my paint not to teach them a lesson. Besides, you could always say they were driving recklessly and came left of center when you tried to pass.


easy there, internet tough guy

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Aren't all kids these days entitled brats ?



That made me feel old.


I felt old too when telling a colleague of mine at work about young kids driving like idiots. Hahaha.


It's terrible to want speed so badly, and be stuck in something pokey... I feel your pain.


It wasn't so much that I wanted to speed. I wanted to maintain the speed limit. They were going 15 under initially.


Too true


I had the same thing happen to me with a Kid in his dads BMW 535XI. It didn't turn out the way he thought it would and his buddy in the Accord behind him decided to try, and failed to. Very happy to have a daily with some pep to it.


I miss this. Time to get the truck more reliable and switch with the wife. Hahaha.


Sorry, but not really cause those bitches were on the way to my place.


Good for you. This time when you smack them on the ass be sure to let them know it's b/c they drive like idiots, not because they were "being bad". :)


You failed when you didn't ram them off the road with your truck, then throat fuck their coarpses.


My sincerist apologies. I will fail less in the future. :)


Most all kids are like that today. I'm sure it's gotta be the age but my 11yr old son thinks the world owes him everything. Throw in a smart mouth and he's on my last nerve to no end. My 5 and 6yr olds aren't like that, but once in a while they will test the waters to see if I'm serious or not.


I have cousins that age. They have iPhones. They don't even have "chores". It's absurd.


soooo.... you got beat by some girls in a roll race???


[joedirt]I don't know what you're trying to say but yeah, that's what's goin' on.[/joedirt]


1-800-GRAB-DUI. 1-877-7-PATROL.


if the number of officers I see at speed traps is any indication, CPD has nothing better to do than scare the piss out of a couple shithead teens.


"Yes, I'd like to report a drunk driver. Two girls in a late model Lexus rolled through a stop sign and pulled out in front of me, going way left of center in the process. Yes, I DO have their license plate..."


Used this before but the guy was swerving everywhere and a toddler was walking around in the back seat. Little different. I knew if I called in on this that nothing would really be done.


In conclusion, if some spoiled bitch did that shit to me, she would be in a ditch. I dont care enough about my paint not to teach them a lesson. Besides, you could always say they were driving recklessly and came left of center when you tried to pass.


I have a 97 Dakota. We all know Dodge paint doesn't last taht long. :p If anyone saw the beater POS at CC&C this week they know what I'm talking about.


I could've put them in a ditch but 1) morally I'd hate myself and 2) it'd be hard to fight when they testified against me and I don't need to screw up a clean record when I'm trying to get into the military.


You're cool! Do that shit to my dumb fucking spoiled bitch daughter and you sir will be a thing of the past.


Kind of my thought. I hate that kids are spoiled but it's not up to me to ditch them for it. I tried to put myself in the parents shoes. If I found out a kid of mine was acting like an idiot in a heavy sedan with no experience that'd be the last time they drive.

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just saying if someone is going to clearly "endanger the lives of 4 people"

maybe they should be taught a thing or two.


They should be. They should have their license revoked, take classes, and not be able to get their license until they're 18 and at least a litle more mature. Not killed.

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