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Anyone disc golf?

I Eat Rice

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Was just curious. Was out yesterday at Blendon and tore it up. Got to thinking of how many people on here played as well. Maybe we should set up a little tourny or maybe an outing once or twice a month here now that the snow has melted and it is starting to get warmer out.
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Its a fun thing to do when you go on camping endeavers with friends and family but not something I would want to do frequently.


Dude its the shit really. I love it. I try to get out at least 2 or 3 times a week sometimes more depending on how late I have to work and what I am doing on the weekends.


To the rest. Where do you guys play? I usually play at Lobdel out by my house, hover, blendon, kinslow in sunburry, deleware st park once or twice a year, and alum creek. Really I play everywhere but my home courses are lobdel, kinslow, and hover...

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I have never played there where is it exackly?


I'm never playing there again, it took us three hours to finish that course last Summer and I forgot to bring something to drink. I felt like I was going to die it was so hot out. It's a HUGE course and unless you're a sniper shot, you're going to lose a disc. The shrubs are really thick there and a lot of the fairways are very narrow with the hole completely out of sight.

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I have never played there where is it exackly?


Off of 256 in picktown..take it till u get into old pickerington then take the first left at the light go up the hill twords the watertower an its right there... google the course for the addy


There are two in picktown... oneis a nine hole one is 18








Brian if it took u three hours you suckkk haha I love that course

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I will take anyone's money in this thread, as Phil is to Raquetball I am to disc golf. :)


But seriously, I'll play with anyone, just need to find time. Oh and don't waste my time with Blendon.


Brian, Picktown is the best course in Columbus, don't be a pussy. :)

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The Brent Hambrick Memorial Open is the first week of June this year, Watershed was able to get a shit ton of topsoil on 12-14 and seed. The holes are missing because we are trying to grow the grass before June and it doesn't look good. However once it does grow it will be nicer back there, it was mostly rock in the fairways. Please stayaway from the back 9 of BHMDGC.
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So you're supposed to play to the ninth hole then walk all the way back up the hill just to get back to your car? That sucks.. Ben, any other courses nearby that are somewhat nice?


Lobdell in Alexandria. But my nice course doesn't seem to be your style of nice. Lobdell is a long course. Then there is Griggs on river rd, but that course is always packed. There is a nice course at Alum Creek north of Polaris I'm told, but I haven't played it yet. The course in Marysville is pretty good too.

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It's called Disc golf, not frolf, f-golf, or Frisbee golf. Frisbee is a brand name and they make cheap crappy things you toss around at a family picnic.
Lobdell in Alexandria. But my nice course doesn't seem to be your style of nice. Lobdell is a long course. Then there is Griggs on river rd, but that course is always packed. There is a nice course at Alum Creek north of Polaris I'm told, but I haven't played it yet. The course in Marysville is pretty good too.
I played Lobdell once last year and it's long as shit.. felt like the walk between holes was longer than the holes themselves. I haven't been to Alum Creek either, I really want to check it out though.
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