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Child Custody Lawyer


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Can anyone recommend me a good child custody lawyer. Someone who I can sit down with, explain my situation and find out my rights. I’m having a child with a girl who is starting to play stupid games and I’d like to find out what my rights as a father are. I’m not trying to gain full custody, but I don’t want to be jerked around by threats of this or that.
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If you are not married to this girl when the child is born, you pretty much have no say so when you are allowed to see him/her. Your only option is fight her in court and hope you get more than the custody minimum that any biological father would get. It's like every Weds for a few hours and then every other weekend.
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Go on the Steve Wilko's show. :)


Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve!


F*cking mindless mongoloid audience.

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Ok the bad news is that if she goes for any sort of state aid you are fucked. The state will drag you in for a paternity test and take roughly half your income. I had this happen to me so I know for a fact first hand. The year that it happened to me I made roughly $12,000.00 in paper and the hit me for $480.00 a month. They don't care about what it takes for you to live at all. As for custody as long as you pay your support you will have as much rights as she does to the child. Your best bet to avoid crazy high support is to pay for whatever you can now to avoid her going for any kind of state aid. Once she goes for any state aid at all youre fucked.I do agree that Tony Greco is the way to go.
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Ok the bad news is that if she goes for any sort of state aid you are fucked. The state will drag you in for a paternity test and take roughly half your income. I had this happen to me so I know for a fact first hand. The year that it happened to me I made roughly $12,000.00 in paper and the hit me for $480.00 a month. They don't care about what it takes for you to live at all. As for custody as long as you pay your support you will have as much rights as she does to the child. Your best bet to avoid crazy high support is to pay for whatever you can now to avoid her going for any kind of state aid. Once she goes for any state aid at all youre fucked.I do agree that Tony Greco is the way to go.


This...this is fucking bullshit.

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Ok the bad news is that if she goes for any sort of state aid you are fucked. The state will drag you in for a paternity test and take roughly half your income. I had this happen to me so I know for a fact first hand. The year that it happened to me I made roughly $12,000.00 in paper and the hit me for $480.00 a month. They don't care about what it takes for you to live at all.


In all honesty, being a parent isn't about you or what it takes for you to live. Courts aren't there to insure you're taken care of; that's your job. They are there to take care of the child and insure the child has what they need. $480/mo is pretty low. No way a single parent is going to raise a child on that.


As for custody as long as you pay your support you will have as much rights as she does to the child.


In reality, it's not that cut and dry.

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Ok the bad news is that if she goes for any sort of state aid you are fucked. The state will drag you in for a paternity test and take roughly half your income. I had this happen to me so I know for a fact first hand. The year that it happened to me I made roughly $12,000.00 in paper and the hit me for $480.00 a month. They don't care about what it takes for you to live at all. As for custody as long as you pay your support you will have as much rights as she does to the child. Your best bet to avoid crazy high support is to pay for whatever you can now to avoid her going for any kind of state aid. Once she goes for any state aid at all youre fucked.I do agree that Tony Greco is the way to go.


This...this is fucking bullshit.


In all honesty, being a parent isn't about you or what it takes for you to live. Courts aren't there to insure you're taken care of; that's your job. They are there to take care of the child and insure the child has what they need. $480/mo is pretty low. No way a single parent is going to raise a child on that.




In reality, it's not that cut and dry.



Well Fuck... :(


It pisses me off because I really want to be reasonable about this but I keep catching her lying about shit and I don't trust her. I can raise a child, I just can't be taken advantage of in the process...

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Well Fuck... :(


It pisses me off because I really want to be reasonable about this but I keep catching her lying about shit and I don't trust her. I can raise a child, I just can't be taken advantage of in the process...


One more day my friend. Keep a cool head. Good luck.

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pdqgp you really should get a bit more info before you piss on someones situation. You're right there's no way a single parent can get by on that amount of money. I am a single parent and get no child support from the girls mom so I know first hand. However in the situation that I was speaking about I had no idea that the child even existed until the chick had already went and got state aid which does screw you into having to pay ridiculous amounts of child support which $480.00 a month is insane. She never told me about it, when if she had I would've gladly paid for everything to avoid the state getting involved. You can say what you want but until you've walked in my shoes you have no idea what ive been through with this crazy chick. She makes double what I do, is married to a man who makes more than me and im a single parent to my other daughter and the state still feels I should pay that insane amount so that IS WAY too much considering she took aid from the state that she didn't need to begin with. The only reason she did it is because when I found out she was married I walked away from her cheating ass and left her stuck with her pathetic little dick husband so go mind your own fucking business and come back when you have something productive to add to this thread. I was just telling him what he has to look forward too, or I could have sugar coated it all and said good luck buddy find a four leaf clover and maybe things will work out for you. I hope that he has a better outcome than I did but the state will fuck him if he isnt very careful how things are done.
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pdqgp you really should get a bit more info before you piss on someones situation.


So I should comment on the information you provided in your initial post ? Excuse-fucking-me. Perhaps a little more clarity should be provided before you piss on someones response to words YOU put down on in a thread on an internet message board. :rolleyes:


You're right there's no way a single parent can get by on that amount of money. I am a single parent and get no child support from the girls mom so I know first hand. However in the situation that I was speaking about I had no idea that the child even existed until the chick had already went and got state aid which does screw you into having to pay ridiculous amounts of child support which $480.00 a month is insane.


It's not insane dude and you're not being fucked either. The reason you're paying so much is because YOU are responsible for the child whether you know about the birth or not. So what's happening is in your case and others, the mom is getting state assistance that the REST OF US are paying for. How's that fair to all of us? It's not, so the your payments are going towards both support for the child AND to reimburse the state ( US TAXPAYERS ) for the aid that is being provided.


Are you paying more because of having to pay support and repay the state...yes, but then it's the state and you don't get breaks for not knowing about a child YOU created. Sorry, but that's the way it works man. If you hit someone crossing the street but don't feel the impact, you're still responsible. Perhaps you should have, oh, I don't know......practiced safe sex :doh:


She never told me about it, when if she had I would've gladly paid for everything to avoid the state getting involved. You can say what you want but until you've walked in my shoes you have no idea what ive been through with this crazy chick.


Again, sorry, I get where you're coming from, but seriously, you don't get any sympathy for claiming not to know. You especially don't get sympathy if you really didn't know. This is a human being and the creation of life not just a case of getting your rocks off dude. You knock a girl up and don't know? WTF! You don't get breaks for not knowing the speed limit either. Ignorance doesn't get you a free pass in anything in the real world man.


She makes double what I do, is married to a man who makes more than me and im a single parent to my other daughter and the state still feels I should pay that insane amount so that IS WAY too much considering she took aid from the state that she didn't need to begin with.


Her husband has zero in this game man. His income has zero bearing unless he legally adopts the child. Thus the child and his mother are still entitled to the aid and you will still be required to pay it back. Again, no passing the buck just because someone else makes more than you is now in the picture. You don't released from your responsibilities nor does he get burdened with taking care of a your kid.



so go mind your own fucking business and come back when you have something productive to add to this thread.


I have more intelligent and very well informed data to contribute here than most anyone man. You obviously don't know how informed my information is. :rolleyes: and by you posting shit here, that makes it my business and the business of everyone on this board, so if you don't like what I or anyone here has to say in response, then STFU and don't pipe your personal life into a thread on CR. :gtfo:


I was just telling him what he has to look forward too, or I could have sugar coated it all and said good luck buddy find a four leaf clover and maybe things will work out for you. I hope that he has a better outcome than I did but the state will fuck him if he isnt very careful how things are done.


I didn't sugar coat shit here man. Again, you are the one who needs to get better informed about what and why I said what I did. However, it was directed at Chris not you or others so it's not expected to have had a reply from anyone. Perhaps there's assistance here that you aren't privy to knowing about :whistle: Imagine that...... That said, I pretty much know he'll have a better outcome than you.


and so far as your comment about ...."I would've gladly paid for everything to avoid the state getting involved." I can't cry Bullshit loud enough. I've yet to hear about anyone, especially someone claiming poverty level income, who involved in a custody situation, say they are willing to pay....for anything, let alone everything, without a battle or some seriously reasonable attorneys who work with their clients to reach a resolution.


99.9% of cases are about money and parents concerned about their money not the child. 100% of those people need to man-the-fuck-up and think about someone besides themselves. EVERYONE here who is a responsible parent will tell you, the moment the child is born, the next 18yrs aren't about you. It's not YOU that's being fucked.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Im well aware of responsibility and what it means to be a parent. As I stated I have a daughter who lives with me fulltime and I get no help at all because im a male and I payed for everything with this child as I wouldve with the other one as well. I payed for every penny of the birth, doctors bills, childcare, etc, etc, etc,. I work tremendous amounts to make ends meet. As for her husbands income it does have a bearing according to the state since they require disclosure of total household income. That would include his income as far as im concerned. I dont expect you or anyone else to have the same opinion as me but if yours is different then state that and dont scream that what im saying that is a fact is anything but. You can fuck yourself and crawl back in the hole you came out of. You made this personal for no reason at all. I was simply trying to warn him of the bullshit that i've been put through and you jumped all over me for no reason at all. As for me not knowing being bullshit, once again you have no idea what youre talking about. We had a drunken one night stand and I did wear protection but apparently it didnt work very well. I had no contact with her until the child was almost six months old at which time I volentarily took a paternity test because I wanted to step up to the plate if it was mine. She should have never went for state aid to begin with. She makes well into the six figures but lied about her income which pisses me off too. As for clarifying my situation I didn't know that I owed you any explanation of my personal situation. Maybe if you minded your own business this discussion wouldnt be taking place.
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Im well aware of responsibility and what it means to be a parent. As I stated I have a daughter who lives with me fulltime and I get no help at all because im a male and I payed for everything with this child as I wouldve with the other one as well. I payed for every penny of the birth, doctors bills, childcare, etc, etc, etc,. I work tremendous amounts to make ends meet. As for her husbands income it does have a bearing according to the state since they require disclosure of total household income. That would include his income as far as im concerned.


Sounds like you need a better lawyer. If all goes well, Chris will have a stellar one.


I dont expect you or anyone else to have the same opinion as me but if yours is different then state that and dont scream that what im saying that is a fact is anything but. You can fuck yourself and crawl back in the hole you came out of. You made this personal for no reason at all.


This is an open message board where I can scream whatever the hell I want in a reply. YOU made this personal when you told me to go: "mind my own fucking business and come back when I have something productive to add to this thread " I can add a lot more productivity to this thread than just one persons spilled-milk example where they are butt-hurt about the results their lawyer got them.


I was simply trying to warn him of the bullshit that i've been put through and you jumped all over me for no reason at all.


You're welcome to warn him or inform him or what happened to you, but YOU jumped on my case. In post #14 I simply replied to your "facts" in a very neutral way. Don't try putting the attack on me man. You came at me and I don't back down from that shit. Especially when it comes to a field like family law where I'm more than well versed.


As for me not knowing being bullshit, once again you have no idea what youre talking about. We had a drunken one night stand and I did wear protection but apparently it didnt work very well. I had no contact with her until the child was almost six months old at which time I volentarily took a paternity test because I wanted to step up to the plate if it was mine. She should have never went for state aid to begin with. She makes well into the six figures but lied about her income which pisses me off too.


Your not knowing is your bed to lie in man. You can say I have no idea, but I can say that I'm double your age and never once planted a seed that I wasn't 100% sure would or would not result in a child. I had my share of one-nighters back in the day too. In the end regardless, you're not knowing doesn't mean you deserve special treament or that she and the child are not entilteld to follow due course of action in the matter. If you feel she lied and combined with your bitterness overall, it really sounds like your lawyer sucked or that all is not what you're making it out to be. I won't debate which as again, that's your matter to deal with.


As for clarifying my situation I didn't know that I owed you any explanation of my personal situation.


you don't have to clarify shit, but in post #17 where you told me to "you really should get a bit more info before you piss on someones situation." that right there begged me and EVERYONE here to ask you for " A BIT MORE INFO " Again, you don't HAVE to provide it but then clarify your shit upfront.


Maybe if you minded your own business this discussion wouldnt be taking place.


Me mind MY own business? So how is my responding to YOUR private information that YOU shared publically considered sticking my nose where it doesn't belong? How about YOU keep your private shit private or STFU when someone responds to the laundry YOU openly shared on a message board.


I'm not at all normally so aggressive in my replies, but you came at me man.

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Wow, things got a little heated there... It's a tough subject. I can see where FST94TSI is coming from. You're trying to step up as a man, and do whats best but as the father you have to prove your ability and worth to the court, you have to PAY to be a father. Meanwhile the mother can manipulate the situation and do what she pleases UNLESS you step in and take action (pay more money)....


Anyway, Thanks Tim for the info and your wife too for her time. She was very helpful and informative. I talked to her this morning and got a good understanding of what I'm up against and my best plan of action. Unfortunately, since the mom lives in Arizona I will have to work through an attorney out there.


As an unmarried male, by Ohio law I do NOT have any league rights to the child. She could move to China and raise the child as the opposite sex and I couldn't do anything. However if she wanted child support she would have to establish paternity through the court (DNA test) then come after me. She can do that as soon as the baby is born, or 5 years from now.


Child Support and Parenting are established separately. The best plan of action for me is to try and establish parenting parameters BEFORE she attempts to collect child support....


Thanks for all the well wishes. It's a situation I severely regret... I know that may come off as selfish or irresponsible and I hope that one day I'll have a different outlook on it, but I can't say I see that happening for a while.

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This is pointless so ill end it here but I do find it funny that youre seventy years old. Twice my age would be seventy years old friend. Guess it doesnt really matter but I just thought that was funny when you said something about being twice my age. LOL
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As for everyone else its all good. Paul you are a fucking asshole. You haven't had anything productive to say, yet you chime in to talk shit for no reason at all. I don't even know you and have never met you but you consistantly talk shit everytime I post in a thread. You follow me around on this board like a bitch wanting to suck my dick. Not interested man so you can quit stalking me and leave me alone. As for you finding it funny that some asshole made me choose between staying with my daughter or chasing him down and leaving her sitting by herself, you come try to take something of mine and see what happens BITCH! The dumbass that did that appeared on camera both entering the Mcdonalds and running out with my ipad, along with him calling me from his number which did get linked back to his home address. He's already been arrested and is sitting downtown as we speak. I got my ipad back about three days ago and some nice new accessories that he had added to it so id have to say he got owned on that one.
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