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Changes are a Happening


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With the new year came a lot of changes. The latest is a name change. This is something that I've wanted to do for some time. It ties in a number of relevant factors for this endeavor. The most obvious in derelict love for German vehicles. Powder is self-explanatory. And the inside joke of where all the work takes place.


So, I'm hoping this goes smoothly, and this continues to grow like it has. I'm already backed up which is good. Obviously Powder Coating is the primary, as well as Ceramic and Polishing. When I get a few minutes to myself I'm going to start playing with Frictional and Oil shedding coatings as well.


I will be posting up more work that has been done recently, as well as making it out to Sanctioned as well as General Gatherings.



A few things done recently:







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+1 for the amazing work these guys do...




Thanks Steve. Those wheels came out killer.


So, is "Haus Of Powder" = P&P, or is there a backstory I am not privy to ?


P&P is gone. While it was fun, it also came with a huge expense tacked on the end. It also had a steep learning curve. I spent the bulk of the winter trying to decide how serious I was gonna be with this. So after a lot of thinking, talks with the family, I'm going to move forward and see if I can get this to flourish.

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Congrats, and props to growing the business. Doesn't have to happen over night, baby steps are sometimes the best. I really dig the new name.


I can't stop thinking about those candy apple red calipers on the DSM, when I get some time this spring the E55 calipers are totally coming off the car to get that treatment.



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What is the going rate to refinish some wheels? I had them originially done by Wheel Medic but other drivers of my car have since curbed it and I would like to get them re-done.


Thanks in advance,



can you post a pic

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